LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP ISSUES WITH PASTOR CHARLES CHANDA! Pretoria, South Africa It is important that we do not take things for granted that we know all about marriage. Every marriage relationship is different and hence you cannot copy what others are doing nor make them your standard. The fact that we are from different backgrounds as husband and wife means we keep on learning everyday. Dont burst because you discovered a new fault in your partners life. It has been there and there was no opportunity to manifest till this time. Learn and see how to handle the situation. A man decided to go and marry from the village as he was told that girls in the village are morally upright than their counterparts in the city. He looked on the moral side which is very important for anyone planning to getting into marriage. Marriage becomes complicated when the person you are going to many has a dozen of Exs scattered across the city. It will only take salvation to keep those people out of ones life. For our friend here he brought the new wife to the city. The following day he went to town and bought meat that was going to last for the whole month and came dropped it home and rushed for work. He did not tell the wife that the meat must be put into the deep freezer as he assumed that she would know.Unfortunately for our new wife from the village the father was a hunter and all the meat used to be dried on fire for preservation. She roasted all the meat like the way she did it in the village. When the husband came back from work, he was met with the the smell of roasted meat. He went to the freezer and found it empty. He called the wife, Honey where is the meat. Innocently she said sweetheart the meat you bought was too much and I was afraid it would go bad so I roasted it so that it can stay longer. The husband then realized that it was his mistake to assume that she knew that in the city we use the deep freezer for preserving food stuff. If it was some of us we would start shouting at the new wife saying this is not the village. We may even start condemning our parents for making us to go and marry from the village. My friend relax, you have enough biltong. Lets stop the game of assumption. To enjoy marriage you must be both a student and a teacher whether you are the husband or wife. Do not be professor know it all. No one knows everything in marriage. IF YOU WANT TO RECEIVE THESE DAILY TIPS INVITE ME AS FRIEND!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 07:23:55 +0000

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