LOVE LIFE IN CAMPUS EPISODE 1...... The activities were - TopicsExpress


LOVE LIFE IN CAMPUS EPISODE 1...... The activities were on...students tottering all-over the place,some are relaxing under shades,while some were in hurry to into d available theatres. Emeka and his friends(Chisom and Chuks) were relaxing under close to a kiosk;discussing every-girls,lecturers,and all amidst laughter. They were about discussing one of Emekas numerous girlfriends when Chisom saidguys,these new girls,i mean the new intakes,they make sense o I think say na only me see them oChuks chirped in,and dey all rolled with laughter. I sure say Emeka is making arrangements to have more gals on his list chuks added nudging Emeka,who winked and saidtrust your guy na they were about to start another round of laughter when Chisom quickly made signs,they understood and looked around... Betty walked briskly to the kioskgood afternoon ma, please i need some hardcover notes and a pen wow..she over make sense oChisom exclaimed while the other gaped. Emeka make sure you add her to your list oChuks said loudly,not minding that she is within hearing distance. *********** Emeka stood up and walked across to her while his friends cheered. hi beautiful he said just as Betty was about to walk away...she turned slightly,summed him up in a look dat could make one freezeerrm...are u a new student? I mean ur face-it looks like...I mean...weve nt met b4 Emeka said slowly. do i look like one of them, do i have their traits?Betty snappedi beg your pardonhe replied looking confused. do i look like those gals u av on ur list? Do i have their looks Betty queried errm im sorry...I..He started mtchewBetty hissed and walked away Emeka sighed,disappointed,walked back to his friends who were already doubling with laughter...Emmy-boy,dont worry-ndo,thats how these JJC gals dey form,no mind dat gal...plenty fish dey river abeg Chisom said patting his shoulder, he shrugged it off,placed his head on a knotted fist-licking his wound ************* Emeka wont you come along? The party is gonna rock this night chisom said chuckling, while chuks adjusted his collar hmmn..Emeka gruntedGuy dis one wey u dey look downcast since na wetin na?chisom queried e be lyk say my guy still dey vex for miss jjc abi? Chuks said smiling mischievously,emmy-boy come along nw...chisom pleaded you guys can go, ill be fineEmeka replied with a note of finality. He watched them leave in his car,while he sunk into bed trying to wave Betty off his mind. ********* Betty was hurrying up d staircase dat led to the 1st floor of d faculty of science building,she was moving so fast that she didnt notice Emeka coming down the stairs,and boosh! She banged into him;scattering his books all over the place sorry..i..erm she stammered nervously trying to pick-up the books.while Emeka stared down at her-too suprised to speak. Im very sorry,i didnt notice..i...i truly sorry Betty said finally,presenting the books to him without looking up. errm..never mind..its okEmeka said collecting his books,unconciously brushing her fingers. im truly sorryBetty said again,pulliing her fingers from his grip. its alright dearie...anyway,Im Emeka Jonashe said wearing his disarming smile Im Betty Amah she replied shaking his hand. nice name...eerrrhhh,im sorry about the other day..u know..Emeka stammered its aiitBetty said smiling sweetly. Oh gosh shes too pretty Emeka thought.i...errm,your in this faculty too?Emeka asked yea,department of biochem,level one and you? Betty replied i study industrial chem,level three wow..dats nice, im here to see a lecturer,i need to get going now Betty stated okay,nice, i gatta let you go now, see ya later emeka replied bye Betty replied sauntering up the stairs. She turned again to get a glimpse-he is cute,oh my! nice shave,gosh! She thought Emeka hurried towards his friends smiling-atleast i apologised,olboy those eyes..ish!dat smile...Betty hmmn..He said to himself. WATCHOUT FOR EPISODE 2 TIME/TARGET: After 30 likes
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:19:57 +0000

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