LOVE LIFE ON CAMPUS EPISODE 25 {Exclusive to - TopicsExpress


LOVE LIFE ON CAMPUS EPISODE 25 {Exclusive to} COOUURT. The Judge came back, and the judgement resumed. Hope you know the implication of what youre saying? a man with a worn-out wig sitting at the prosecutors panel asked G-gal. Yes, I know, Im responsible for it. G-gal replied, her eyes were full of pains and regrets. What makes you want to confess? The Judge couldnt help asking. He adjusted his wid-rimmed glasses and peered through at G-gal. I...I...erm.. her voice trailed off. There was a commotion of whispers in the court. COOUURT!! everybody kept quiet, the few moments of silence that followed by, seemed like eternity to Betty. She bent her head gently, she resumed counting her toes. She was startled by G-gals scream. Help o...see him o...his ghost is following me o... G-gal made to run out of the dock but some policemen held her still. Ghost? Betty shuddered. Ghost? the Judge echoed after Betty. I saw him by the window, he was staring at me. G-gal whimpered. Everybody turned to look at the window. Haaaaa! See him! See him o! Emeka Biko nu ooo, please ooo, G-gal screamed again, pointing towards the door. Everybody turned to the door again. Betty saw him, she gasped. He was standing there, he looked fresh, he looked more of human to be called a ghost. She have heard of ghosts, she thought they were myths, but now she is seeing Emekas ghost. She was trying her best to breathe, she placed her hand across her chest as if to pacify her heart. She could feel her head spinning, her vision was getting blood, she was wet with sweat. Im not a ghost, its the real me, Emeka.! Emeka said as he confidently walked into the court room. That was all Betty could hear, she felt her legs go weak, she tried to breathe through her mouth... And...she passed out. *********** Betty opened her eyes slowly, she felt weak. Where was she? She looked round, she was on a hospital bed, a drip attached to her hands, she tried to sit up but was held down by a strong hand, she looked up. Sorry.. Jay-Jay whispered. She shut her eyes and opened them again to be sure whe wasnt dreaming. Sorry, ndo. It was her mothers voice. What were they doing here? They were supposed to be in court. What am I doing here? she said slowly. You need to rest. Jay-Jay calmed her. What did the judge say? Ill be jailed? she whispered. No, youre free now. Jay-Jay smiled. And Emekas ghost? she asked again. Right here baby. Emeka sat down on her bed side. She froze, her eyes wide, she opened her mouth to scream but her throat was dry. I didnt die, Im alive, for you! Emeka whispered. You didnt die? she found her voice You are not a ghost? Youre Emeka? she sat up, she touched his hand. He is not a ghost. she muttered. He is alive! she screamed hugging Emeka. So what about G-gal? she hugged Jay-Jay after regaining her compusure She would be hanged. Edith quipped. Edith? Youre here? Betty hugged her friend. Thanks for everything. she sobbed. Its aiit now. Youre free, I have my friend back! Edith wiped her tears. Betty sniffed. Mum, Jay, Edith, Emeka... she wiped a tear. Thanks for everything, thanks for being there. she was crying. Dr Amah held her daughter soothingly. how do I thank you, young man. she smiled at Jay-Jay.. No need to thank me, Jay-Jay chuckled. Can we meet your parents, atleast to thanks them too. Dr Amah persisted. Well...errm, Id take you to see my dad, but now, Betty need to rest. Jay-Jay replied. Guy, tell us how you escaped now.. he patted Emeka. Bros, no be small tin, its a long story o.. Emeka said humorously and they all burst into fits of laughter. Betty laughed with all her strength, its been a quiet long time since she laughed. WATCHOUT FOR THE FINAL EPISODE TIME/TARGET: 70 Likes (y)
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 11:52:24 +0000

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