LOVE LIFE ON CAMPUS EPISODE 6 ************ Emeka was driving - TopicsExpress


LOVE LIFE ON CAMPUS EPISODE 6 ************ Emeka was driving past the biological sciences garden; he was thinking of Betty, he tried calling her few minutes before now but she didnt pick his calls, perhaps she was busy reading her books. He ran his free hand through his hair and glanced at the garden,- he gasped. He quickly stopped the car, his heart was racing. He saw Betty with Jay-Jay; they were sitting on a cane chair, Jay-Jay was leaning towards her, while she was smiling happily. Emeka bounced out of his car and sauntered towards them. Betty turned unexpectedly,their eyes met. He expected her to freeze or jump up, but she remained calm; her smile was wider now. hy Bestie.. she said with a grin hy He didnt smile Bestie please meet Jay-Jay...Jay-Jay meet Emeka she said gently. Hi, nice to meet you Emeka was stretching forth his hand for a hand shake Its my pleasure Jay-Jay smiled, he didnt take the hand shake errm..I was driving by..then... errrm... I just wanted to say hi Emeka said gently pocketing his hands Wow...thats so sweet of you, youre such a darling Betty laughed is she high or something? Bye Emeka turned to leave. Ciao Jay-Jay chuckled Emeka gave him a cold look before walking away. and what was that? Betty queried uhm? Jay-Jay smiled You refused to shake him, and..her voice trailed off are you angry? he chuckled moving towards her yes I am her voice was rising. Thats not how to be angry... he kissed her lips this is how to be angry he added moving away. She gasped. She turned gently and walked away. ********* Betty was mute. She kept toying with her glass of juice. Hey! Are you okay? Jay-Jay was sitting right there- facing her. She almost forgot she called him to meet her here. Helloooo, Nnem, talk to me he called out again. Jay...I dont like what youre doing. she started Emeka has refused to pick my calls because of your attitude yesterday she stopped to lower voice you even kissed me...imagine, Jay that was too... she stopped again. So what are you trying tell me?Jay-Jay said quitely You taking advantage of me! she snapped. His eyes narrowed; she wished she never said that. You see Jay... she stopped not knowing what to say. She searched his eyes. Are saying Im responsible for whatever is going on now between you and Emeka? His voice was low. She made to speak but he stopped her. Ive never had any silly intention towards you, I regarded you as a sister and nothing else. Im sorry for the kiss, that was not a kiss but a peck! he stood up You know what? I think youre the one taking advantage of me! he walked away. Jay-Jay she called but he didnt look back. She sighed. Placed her knotted fist below her chin. She was in trouble. Hi she looked up,it was Emeka. Im sorry for what happened yesterday she muttered its okay, so was that your boyfriend? He didnt seem angry He is a friend like a brother Betty replied. Emeka sighed, he waved at the waitress, gave her orders. so what are you doing here all alone with your table filled with eatables? Emeka smiled. She managed a low laugh, ThankGod Emeka is no longer angry, she need to see Jay-Jay...where is she gonna find him? Emeka was staring at her, she looked away and sighed again. ************ Where the hell are you going? Edith queried. Betty didnt reply, she quickly combed her hair,held it into bun with her ribbon; she rushed to pick her shoes I asked you a question Edith squeaked Betty rolled her eyes, she wasnt ready for Ediths interrogation. This girl! Have suddenly gone deaf or dumb? Edith squeaked again. You told me the other day to face my problems alone Betty retorted. Youre not going anywhere,till you tell me where youre goingEdith eyed her see, I offended Jay-Jay, I need to go and apologise Betty replied shortly Ehn? Edith yelled, Betty grimaced You wan die abi? No..Im going to Jay-Jays house Betty said applying her lip balm. have you been there before? Edith squeaked. no, ive got his address Betty picked her phone and purse. Dont go o Edith was screaming now. If you dont see me after two days, call my mum and tell her Im dead she was close to tears now. Betty, please dont go Edith pleaded. Betty opened the door, turned to glance at Edith; then at the wall clock-it was past five already, she left hurriedly. WATCHOUT FOR EPISODE 7 TARGET:
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:20:43 +0000

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