LOVE MARRIGE –CASTE HATRED-S.RAMADOSS-TAMILNADU A statement of PMK leader S.Ramados entitled ‘ Make parents’ nod must for love marriages’ appears in The ‘Hindu’ on 6th August ,2013. It has come at a time when caste conflict has taken a violent and ugly form in Tamilnadu. The one of the reasons of caste conflict is the inter-caste marriage which is viewed very seriously by caste patriarchs. Love marriages within the caste are no more a problem for the parents. What worries a leader like Ramadoss who lacks political courage to condemn caste violence that entails inter-caste marriages? To make his point justified Ramadoss has quoted the decision of a division Bench of the Karnataka High court in 2011 ‘in case of love affair of a girl, who is below the age of 21 years, there shall be a condition that the parents of the girl should approve the marriage; otherwise such marriages shall be declared void or voidable’. I have not personally read the decision of the court. If the court has delivered the decision with such a tone and tenor it invites the disqualification as it goes against the principles of the constitution. Indian state has surrendered before the dominant castes’ oppression in various forms and one of such horrible example is ‘Khap Panchayat’. Ramdoss comes from a state which has enriched legacy of social reform movement against caste oppression and for social equality. Neither court nor leader like Ramadoss has any right to prescribe the parental approval for love marriages that to essentiality of nod from parents of the girl. I would rather suggest that parents to take into confidence of their young boy and girls in finalization of marriage. If parents recourse to this process of consulting and respecting the choices ‘duo in love’ we could save the precious lives of our boys and girls who are on many occasions fall prey to tragic ends. I appeal to Ramadoss to remain silent instead of giving such irrational statement if he is unable to carry or uphold the legacy of great Periyar. Love is an integral part of humanity where hatred is a part of animality. I decide with the side love which discards caste, race, religion or any such man made barricades.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 15:01:11 +0000

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