LOVE, S*X AND MONEY Love…….S*x………Money This is more of - TopicsExpress


LOVE, S*X AND MONEY Love…….S*x………Money This is more of a three cardinal rules or wants surrounding every relationship. One is so important to make a relationship strong. The other is fast becoming a player in a relationship and the last one has become the engine for making a relationship stand. Let’s take it one by one: LOVE: Love is a four letter words that cannot be seen but can only be felt. People mostly confuse lust,infatuation and obsession with love. As little as love looks ,it is a very strong feeling. Love is sacrifice. Its a feeling that makes you do the unimaginable. Love overcomes all things and its the reason we are alive. Love is the key to starting a relationship. The issue now is do everyone fall in love? No, not all but most people usually think they are in love. When a guy sights a lady for the first time. He feels an awesome feeling of attraction and likeness and easily begin to confuse it with love. Love is way more than that. I don’t really believe in love at first sight. I would say the heart melted for her ,then the friendship should come in next so as to know each other well. Love can grow from friendship. When you start dating a lady you met 2days ago and you are not still willing to make things work if she ends up having a bad personality,what’s the use then?. Guys mostly ask for a relationship quick to avoid losing the lady forgetting that its better to make a good start and foundation than to keep having break ups. Love is not something you toy with. Don’t ever blame love for breaking your heart or being wicked. Its human beings who hide under the shadow of love to satisfy their wants. S*X: S*x is also a strong bond and connection between a male and female. S*x is a free gift from God in marriage and not before or out of marriage. S*x has become a basis of relationships these days. People feel they can get s*x from each other in the name of love. Some even go as far as threatening for s*x as a proof of love. Why not concentrate on building each other first,then bring in s*x after marriage. If you missed, read on why you should wait for marriage before having s*x. Am sure you don’t have plans for marriage too. We are just too eager to taste it. When you feel you need to give him s*x to prove your love,then you have lost your respect. Ladies mostly fall for these traps, its simply inferiority complex dearies because you feel you need to satisfy your boyfriend, your friends etc. You want to be a bigz girl. You want to feel among. You can’t dare tell your friends you are still a virgin. If you get pregnant, you abort, more sin. You could even get infected. You just don’t care. Everything is love. These are the issues surrounding s*x. People do it to get money, affection or as a proof of love. Guys will say they can’t spend on a lady without getting the s*x. It means you are not showing love ,you have simply received your reward. If love is sacrifice. Why can’t you help and care for her without s*x in return. Why should ladies even expect their boyfriends to buy the whole world for them. A relationship is not a game of satisfying your wants. He is not your father. Stop looking for the richest pocket. Love can’t exist like that. Guys, if she is always demanding and threatening you, she is not a prudent wife then. Please find a wife material. Ladies are the cause of most rape and assault . Am a lady and I won’t take sides please. Am not saying asking for money is a sin but don’t over do it. Your respect will keep falling which I know you don’t care about. Let’s make relationship a foundation for building a brighter future not for our materialistic desire. That’s why relationship don’t last most times. Do the little you can do and wait till marriage before you take full responsibilities. If you sell your properties for a lady to go to school,you are on your own because most ladies are becoming selfish too. They would even dump you and go for someone else. Let’s be realistic. It happens on the both sides. Let’s stop making s*x a mere game. God is against it. I have to be blunt with this. It doesn’t matter if you agree. The truth is always bitter. Always think about your future. Don’t have fun now and regret later. Its a waste of time. Decency pays. MONEY: As good as money is, it is also the root of all evil. Money has performed so many wonders. It is still the only way you can maintain a good relationship. Don’t let’s deceive ourselves. Money rules. Let’s talk now. If you date a guy for money sake, am sure you know the end result. When you keep looking for already made guys, you may end up with the wrong ones. I know ladies don’t want to suffer with any man again because most men not all forget the struggles of the lady when he finally becomes rich. It still boils down to the fact that you can marry an average guy and plan your future out well as long as true love exist between you guys. Money is not everything. I don’t advice a guy who has no job or any source of income at all, a guy who hardly eats well, to enter into a relationship. Sorry to say, money is not it all, but to avoid heartbreak from a lady who can’t be patient with you. Am sure you would want your respect intact. Have a little source of income at least . It makes you feel like a better man. Guys now think every lady out there just need money and not love,hence they use s*x as the bait to get it. Ladies feel every guy in a car is the best. You will mostly end up in the wrong place. All said and done. I would prefer everyone striving hard for themselves. We are all unique with a special talent. Ladies,stop depending on men. The famous ladies in power are there because they worked hard. Stop being lazy and materialistic. You want to buy the latest hair,clothes, shoe and bag. If you die today, where would it follow you. Vanity is vanity. I know ladies don’t ever listen. You just want to impress. Keep impressing then. Guys now go into yahoo or any kind of scam or rituals to get money. Who are we all impressing? Impressing ourselves I guess. Its not worth it. Its better to live with small In peace than to have it all in regrets. Its all destruction. Let’s relate them now. Love keeps your relationship going. S*x activates it and money keeps it glowing. So is that the way to be in a relationship. That’s what the society thinks. My final say is: get something doing. Concentrate on being a better person. Love will come unexpectedly and when you know its true,let God lead you right not your friends or movies. Abstain from s*x, be patient. You will still enjoy it in marriage. Money is not everything but show some kindness to each other too. Build a strong relationship. God’s wisdom, trust, communication, patience, understanding are the most vital parts in a relationship. Money follows and S*x comes later at the right time.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:34:46 +0000

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