LOVE: THE GREATEST MOTIVATOR FOR ANY GREAT ENDEAVOR. I read a something the other day, and I quote” If you want to be good at something then you have to truly love what you do.” My son in law Warren Deyzel is the most enthusiastic person I know. He has a great sense of humor and his love for life is infectious. Anyone who knows him will know what I mean. What really impresses me about Warren is his absolute passion for wild life and especially the Kruger National Park. From a young age he and his family took every opportunity “to go to Kruger” as they say. He and his mom used to go on Kruger walking trails, which means they actually walked Kruger, accompanied by a parks guide of course. Warren’s passion for Kruger has now rubbed off on my daughter. He even proposed to her on a mountain near Satara Bush Camp. I always say, Warren should have been a game ranger, or at the very least an honorary one. Warren knows a lot about the flora and fauna of the Park. He reads extensively about every detail of the games habitat, what they do, how they graze, what area this or that species is most prevalent etc. Warren books a year in advance for the rest of his extended family to visit Kruger. He knows exactly what bungalows to book, usually right on the fence or overlooking the river. My, oh, my, have we been blessed. He also has an uncanny ability to spot game, from the smallest bird, to the biggest Elephant. Now if you speak to Warren, he will tell you that his one eye is not all that good, but still, he is an amazing spotter of game. Quite frankly, I don’t know how he does it. When you go on a night drive with him he is the one who will see things, like a Civet in a tree, forty meters in. As I said, it is uncanny. Get him around a camp fire, and you enter a classroom. The hair raising stories he has told us when he and his mom and friends have camped out on numerous occasions, in just a small two man tents with Hyena sniffing around the tent and them trembling, are hilarious but at the same time scary. We all take the mickey out of him of course when he is expounding his knowledge about the bush and we try pushing his buttons and catching him out. Off course we can’t do it as he is well read. The point I am making is that you don’t have to force Warren to learn all these things about the bush. No! No! No! His knowledge, passion, enthusiasm and zeal for Kruger and the bush in general, is a natural consequence or overflow of his love for it. Warren just loves everything about the African Wild. He loves it in all its facets, from the smallest creature to the largest. He loves the birds, the trees, the insects the reptiles, you name it. He is up at the crack of dawn each morning to go and look for game. He is out for the late afternoon/evening drive most days. He always makes us envious with all his “sightings”. We, on the other hand can never match his success and now that he is married to my daughter Ruth, it’s now their success. She too shares in his passion and together they are quite a formidable team. We cannot compete with his/their ability to sniff out and photograph what they have seen. You could say, Warren is an amateur expert. Everything he sees and hears is an adventure and he desires fervently that everybody else should experience his passion. He longs for us to smell the aroma of the Iron wood (Ysterhout) smoldering on a Lappa or Braai fire at night and which lingers on in the early morning mist. He wants to drink that cup of coffee with you in the morning and point out the pre-eminency and brightness of the stars of our Milky Way. These are so prominent and clear, unhindered by pollution and the city lights. He desires for us to experience the special atmosphere which only those who have been to Kruger can identify with. He wants you to tune into the haunting sounds of the night: the Night Jar, the cackle of the Hyena, the yell of the Jackal, the roar of the Lion. The love which he has is not grievous or contrived. It’s not hard for him to study and educate himself about the place. Its: “love generated”. This love emanates from a grateful heart that he as a South African has the privilege to enjoy a pristine environment such as the Kruger National Park. Exactly what I have written above should be my experience as a Christian. I don’t mean the Kruger experience as such but the fact that I have far more to be excited and enthused about. I remember when I was born again and believed the Good News, how Jesus became so real and tangible to me. I was so grateful for the wonderful message of salvation. Nothing was too hard. I was carried on the wings of a Dove. The Good News was,” For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.(Heb.8:12)” “And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.”(Heb.10:17) Boom, Boom! Double, Whammy. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah. It was wonderful. (Is.9:6) I was enthralled, I was relieved, I was joyful, and I WAS IN LOVE. My voyage of discovery and my love journey had begun. After much searching, struggling and striving in the flesh to achieve and progress in the spirit, I then moved on to “truly” discover THE GRACE OF GOD. That was my Rubicon. That was the Light at the end of my tunnel.(Jn.8:12) Praise the Lord. I could cry out “Eureka.” My war cry and my love song was and is: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: (9) Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9). Another, Boom, Boom. Hallelujah. This Love holds me together. This Grace is the “generator” that keeps me going and spurs me on to discover more and everything that is encapsulated in the Salvation Message. (The Good News) I repeat the quote I mentioned in the beginning “If you want to be good at something then you have to truly love what you do. “I can add to that and say: I must passionately love what Jesus did above all that I can do. It is not about me but all about Him and what He achieved “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency [is] of God;”(2.Cor.3:5) (2.Co 5:14.a) “For the love of Christ constraineth us;” ( holds me together) (Written by Robin Bosch)
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:09:57 +0000

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