LOVE: THE PENNACLE/HALLMARK OF MANKIND EXISTENCE. Love is an inevitable pursuit in the existence of mankind. The concept “love” is an incredibly powerful word which people around cannot run away from but have no option than to succumb to. It has been properly defined by different luminaries depending on their experience about love. These assertions are as follows; Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, defines love to be a strong feeling of affection, pleasure and enjoyment for someone and something. Love is spiffy ways to cause the parents to remain together long enough to raise a child. Love is the emotional pleasure we gain from the virtue we perceive in others. According to Fridemar Pache, Love is the universal force that makes compatible, what is incompatible. Love is a subject- to-subject response to someone you care for. It is a virtue that involves giving your whole self to someone with reservation. Love is a charitable gift, immeasurable symbol and treasured bond which will ever remain spotless. Love is a fluid, offering different flavours and depths. In the attraction phase, love is an emotion producing, strong affection for some and an obsession for others. The Bible indicates love to be one of the primary characteristics of God, since He has endowed us with the capacity of love since we were created in His image. God’s love portrayal in the Bible will ever remain unconditional and without restricted boundaries. In reference to the Bible, love can be seen in Matthew 14:25-33, Matthew 17:4, 1Peter 1:22, 2 Peter1:5-7, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13[most famous biblical chapter on love] and others. Love is the unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. Love may be understood as part of the survival instincts, a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species. Love is a poisonous chemical flowing in our body that makes us do strange things. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, love/belonging remains the most basic need. The concept of love encompasses all of feelings which no one has meaning to except the person involved. The diversity of uses and meanings, combined with complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states. Love paints our view of the world and bestows purpose and meaning to life. Despite the divergent assertions towards love, it’s hard to define love because you wonder if it’s even real. You are either on a journey towards love or on a journey to defy it. People need love for life sustenance, belonging, strength, togetherness, exceeding care, assistance and host of others. A luminary says that people need touch, care, someone to listen and validate them, a purpose in life and connections. In fact, love is very vital to one’s living. It gives us inner strength to continue living a meaningful life, love gives us the momentum to continue reproducing our species. It is used and plays an important role for procreation. It is been said that unloved people die, live lonely/solitary life, never happy with themselves, feel very dejected/ despised and full of despair and sorrows/grief. Love is of numerous varieties, such as agape love, familial love, free love, erotic love, platonic love, unrequited love, love at first sight, puppy love and so on. Agape love is God’s kind of love. It is seeking the welfare and betterment of another regardless of how we feel. Agape love does not have the primary meaning of feeling or affection. Erotic love is a passionate physical and emotional feeling based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love. Familial love/storage is the natural bond between mothers and between mother and infant, father, children, and kin, William Barclay states, “We cannot help loving our kith and kin; blood is thicker than water. Platonic love is just natural feelings which exists between groups of people and never die regardless of the circumstance. Love at first sight most times ends a person in nothing but infatuation or even obsession which is conditional in nature. Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps, fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. Barriers sabotage our relationship because they keep us from being receptive to love. They keep us closed off, discriminated and responding from fear. Love is patient, kind, truthful, altruistic/unselfish, believing, hopeful and enduring. It is not jealous, boastful, arrogant, rude and angry. In short, love will remain the sweetest, inevitable, cherished and charitable thing that can ever happen to mankind which I am no exception. . I LOVE U.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 16:35:38 +0000

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