LOVE THIS TRUTH THANK YOU FATHER GOD AMEN ! “Think it all through, up one side and down the other, and you will find that our ideal, our dream, our hope, that to which we pray, is no other than the Spirit that lived in Jesus, shone in His face, wrought in His works, spoke in His words, and hung upon a cross. The Spirit of Jesus in its strength, its gentleness, its august and wonderful humility, its incredible patience, its fathomless pity, its relentless love, its all-forgiving mercy, its victorious valor, its purity, its gladness — that is what is meant by God. Beyond that love it is not possible for any man to imagine anything more divine. The Spirit of Jesus is the ultimate Divine Reality so far as we can know it. Where the Spirit of Love is, there God is. Because that Love lived in Jesus in its fullness, richness, its unclouded beauty, He is the supreme revelation of what God is” And, may I add to these beautiful words this thought — all the sons of God, who are the sons of Love, are the extension, completion and fullness of that supreme revelation of God unto creation. Hallelu-yah! I once read the moving account of a woman seen constantly on the streets of Strasbourg in the fourteenth century, carrying a pail of water in one hand and a torch in the other. When asked what she was about, she would reply that with the pail of water she was going to put out the flames of hell and with the torch she would burn up heaven, “so that in the future men could love the dear Lord God for Himself alone and not out of fear of hell or out of craving for reward.” A man comes closest to the Kingdom of God when he truly perceives the depth of truth proclaimed by that little lady so long ago! Is it not true that vast multitudes of Christians today serve the Lord either out of fear of hell or hope of heaven. It is the absolute truth. Anyone who dares to proclaim the beautiful truth of the restoration of all men to God and pins people right down to the word of God is immediately accused by the unthinking masses of teaching heresy, and is accused of teaching doctrines which give the sinner nothing to flee from, no reason for accepting salvation. Such thoughtlessness! These poor simple folks are merely admitting in this that they themselves have never yet had a revelation of the abounding love of God. Nor do they know and worship God FOR HIMSELF, apart from all other considerations of either torment or bliss. Should the preachers one day call a news conference and announce to the world, “Ladies and gentlemen, we have just discovered that there is no hell,” I do not doubt for one moment that a great number of so-called believers would immediately tell God to “go to hell” and commence to live like the devil in the pleasures of sin. Those who use hell as the incentive to bring men to God are but admitting their shame in upholding a false gospel which would attempt to scare men into the Kingdom of God. It never has worked. It never will. Oh, it does indeed scare men into the “church,” but it does not bring men to truly know God. Christ leads and draws through love. Sometimes love disciplines and breaks, but it does not play games by “scaring” people into God! Fear is not the instrument of God to bring men unto Himself. Is there a hell? Yes. But hell is not what salvation is about. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). It is not written that “the wages of sin is hell.” If the wages of sin is eternal torment in hell, then we must re-write the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We must make the Bible say that, if that is what God meant. We must go back to the very beginning and make the Bible say, “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely SUFFER ETERNAL TORMENT IN HELL” (Gen. 2:16-17). We must correct the word of God so that it says, “The soul that sinneth, it shall be eternally tormented in hell” (Eze. 18:4). John 3:16 must be made to correctly read, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not be eternally tormented in hell, but spend eternity in heaven.” If the wages of sin is the torments of the damned in hell, then Romans 5:12 must be made to say, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and torment in hell by sin; and so the torments of hell passed upon all men, for that all have sinned...” You will have to tear the Bible all to pieces and re-write literally hundreds and thousands of passages if you say that the wages of sin is eternal torment in hell!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 13:59:38 +0000

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