LOVE VOW(4) ......The issue of procreation or child-bearing has - TopicsExpress


LOVE VOW(4) ......The issue of procreation or child-bearing has been one of the main contributory factors why a husband or a wife will like to go against his or her own words. Jacob and Rachel had heated arguments due to this same reason. Jacob in his responds to Rachel for asking him to get her a child retorted “Am I God to give you a child?” This was a trying moment on the love they shared. You may find yourself in such a challenge but rest assured God is up to something. This is the time the couple is to seek God and revise their vows and you are to carefully guard against peer pressure, earthly and sensual wisdom as well as satanic influences and ideas. Rachel seeking to satisfy herself and her husband gave in to her earthly wisdom by giving her maid to bear him a child but this action didn’t achieve its intended purpose. This is one of the tricks of the devil to break Godly marriages built on love. We are to desist from such acts because it is not only a sin in the sight of God but it also leads to much sorrow and pain in the home. Abraham and Sarah as well as David and Bathsheba are perfect biblical examples of sorrow and hatred they brought to their homes through such ungodly acts. God brought children to Hannah, Rachel, Sarah and Elizabeth and you are no exception. Just believe in God for yours is at your doorstep. In conclusion, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” To the husband “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.” – Song of Solomon 8:7 “5.Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.”- Proverbs 5:15 To the wife “There can be no higher ambition for a Christian woman than to be a faithful wife and a happy and influential mother. It is the place which God has given woman, and she who fills it well, is as honourable and honoured as the most illustrious man can be”- Stoddard Charles. When the husband will truly Love her wife as himself and the wife be submissive to the headship of the husband the love vow will ever remain unbreakable!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 20:00:34 +0000

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