LOVE VOWS (contd) .......After 2 years, the couple are having - TopicsExpress


LOVE VOWS (contd) .......After 2 years, the couple are having difficulty in giving birth. Kwaku has had an affair with their house help. She says she is pregnant, at the same time, Akua has also taken seed, and it looks like a one month old pregnancy. Akua is mad at Kwaku, Kwaku is also mad at Akua, he claims the child Akua is carrying is not his baby. There is confusion; the priest is called in again as a moderator of disputes. He sits down and gives his first word…… Priest: My message for this occasion is simple, Saying “I do” is just about to begin……Kwaku, Akua, Congregation, what God has joined together let no man put ascender. Shall we rise and share the grace...................... Love vows takes various forms and is very much dependant on the relationship. We were created by God for relationship, with Him and each other. The Greatest Commandment is all about relationships, that is, Matthew 22,” 37.Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40.On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Relationships are sometimes messy and hard but whenever God is placed first in our relationship we will always smile at the storms that come our way. The central focus for this write up will be on marriage. Marriage is a challenging and rewarding relationship. The bible has much to say about it both from the husband and wife’s perspective. Apostle Paul in one of his letters, urged Christian wives to be obedient and submissive to their own husbands in the Lord; and husbands to love their wives as Christ also loved the church. A loving husband is one that loves his wife as his own body and he is ready to support her wife at all times. He also means in detail every word he uttered when he made his vow. Jacob, according to Genesis 29, was ready to serve Laban, Rachel’s father, for seven years because he loved her. According to the scriptures, the seven years seemed to be a “few days” unto Jacob because of his love for Rachel. To what length and breadth and limits will you reach to proof your love for your wife? Did you know Jacob served seven more years to have Rachel as wife? Yes he did because after his first service (7yrs) he was deceived but held on more to get who he really love. The woman you say “I do” needs your love and since you love her enough to make such solemn vow in the presence of many witnesses, you are to comply till death separates you. Jesus Christ’s love for the church was manifested as He gave himself for the church so that he might sanctify and cleanse it and present it to himself a glorious church. Husbands are not literally to die on the cross to save their wives but have a charge to Love their wives as they love themselves..........
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 15:25:28 +0000

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