LOVE created us like itself , therefore we are LOVE . Those of us - TopicsExpress


LOVE created us like itself , therefore we are LOVE . Those of us who are followers of CHRIST understand what LOVE is , we read about it all the time in GODs word , we know that LOVE is forever and it is ours . The question is ...why have we given up on LOVE ? Are we that weary in our well doing ? While it is true many of us have been hurt disappointed , abused , misused and deceived by someone at some point in our lives . And because of this we punish ourselves by denying ourselves the chance to LOVE and TRUST ourselves again . Why are we punishing ourselves so severely , when we know that GOD has forgiven our transgressions and we have forgiven our offenders ? If this is true then we would have happy healthy marriages and relationships . I think its time for a change , I think its time out for fear of failure , its time out for excuses , and blaming others for our fear of LOVING ourselves and trusting ourselves again ....It is time to get back on the horse and ride again . We are truly in a sad state where we can not LOVE or TRUST ourselves enough to give it to someone else , so we choose to suffer and self destruct in loneliness and fear ....what sad creatures are we is time to take off the game face , and fake talk about being so happy when you know that it is not true . Truth is we have become complacent and content in our self created version of loving ourselves . Okay some of you have convinced yourselves that you are like Paul and choose not to marry or be in a relationship . When we know that GOD spoke it clearly that , it is NOT good for man to be alone . It is the sole reason that he created Eve for Adam . Well if you want to be like Paul , then why do you seek out the attention of women/men ? Why play with their emotions , if your intent is to remain single for the rest of your days .....make up your mind , and be about your FATHERS business and except that thorn in your flesh , keep struggling with it like Paul did ....but know this my friends Paul too had a choice and he was upfront about his struggles with his choice . Struggling alone in life is not for every single man/woman . Make sure you know if this is your calling ...lest you fall into perversion and find it difficult to crawl from under your sin ......Amen ....I
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:27:56 +0000

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