LOVE this! Some of these I noticed in myself years ago, although - TopicsExpress


LOVE this! Some of these I noticed in myself years ago, although I had different names for them! So true... For many along the journey, its out of pot and into the flames! We leave the controlling religions because we identify the traps of illusion, the non-spiritual hierarchies, bells, costumes, hypocrisies... We see the wolves with lambish facades and we know its right to step away from anything that doesnt resonate with us as true anymore. We do all of this only to re-create (sometimes) the exact same pitfalls and traps. We then have 2 ideas of everything spirituality is not: from the corporations of human-delusional organised religions to many of the spiritual circuses of more complex illusions and traps. A sea of quick-fixes, fakes and outright folly... In the end, many of us give it all up for simplicity and find that the PATH is not the TOOLS and focus more on integrating the message or teachings (with gratitude and love). than the celebrity-teacher or guru. There is more spirituality in simply tending to a garden, caring for the earth and all her life forms (being love) than can be found in MOST cults or organisations on the face of this sphere. We need to let go and let love (thank you Father Wayne) because we often put ourselves through such stress, guilt and pain simply because we do not love ourselves enough. If we can not love ourselves, we can never be love AND so for all those feeling separated from our love and world due to societal-neuroses: do what youd do with your children... Help them to see unhelpful or mean-spirited behaviour and then give them a massive hug to remind them that you love them (you) and youll start treating yourself better from now on!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 07:14:22 +0000

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