LOVED THEIR GOD...UNTO GREATNESS There are certain verses that if - TopicsExpress


LOVED THEIR GOD...UNTO GREATNESS There are certain verses that if we consider seriously.. we will understand the need to LOVE God more and the ADVANTAGES it holds for ud..Loving GOD is not a passive thing, several greek words are translated LOVE in the new testament..such as philandros, from where we draw phileo that is love of the brethren or brotherly love..but the major word is the word AGAPE or AGAPAO... Its meaning and definition is WIDE, its LOVE that involves the judgement and excercise of the WILL ,and a DELIBERATE asset of the will as a matter of PRINCIPLE,DUTY and PROPRIETY.. He that hath my commands and keepeth them, he it is that LOVES me...Jn 14; 15.. The man who has come to the place where they TREASURE and COMMIT to doing his will above all else, GOD says this one truly LOVES me........I know folks who cry when they WORSHIP, I do too, I know folks who can DANCE and PRAISE loudly, I do too. But if our UNDERSTANDING of LOVE is just the show of EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT in the things that seem CONVENIENT to us, we need to RISE UP and COME UP higher..All these can be ELEMENTS of LOVING but they are not the fullness of it... Hear me.. ?.....Agape love involves the excercise of the will, a setting of the heart to FAVOR, to DO the WILL and PURPOSE of God..LOVE is not a passive flow of desires its an ACTIVE involvement of all our BEING....Talking about our LOVE for him he said in psalm 91.. ?..Because He hath SET his LOVE UPON ME...Ps 91; 14. Thats what am talking about, you SET your heart on doing his will, you SET you will to LIVE for him. Its a DECISION you make yielding to the INFLUENCE of the WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT.. Its that REALM where LIVING for him is all that MOVES you. Some have of those that have gone ahead of us lived there. Its a CHOICE that we ought to make, many NEVER do, they stay nepios..babes All their days, SELFISH, SELF CENTERED and never come up to DO ANYTHING for GOD..but God wants us to GROW up and be able to become useful, serviceable and responsible to him. .... I believe one reason why people arent going all out is SELFISHNESS, SELF CONCERNS and SELF CENTEREDNESS...and whats worse is that while we speak or teach to stirr men up for GOD, Some think you are playing HOLIER than Men will never have FAITH to CROSS the line of ALL FOR SELF to ALL FOR GOD if they are not taught and stirred to. All of us cannot be spiritual baby sitters still feeding 20 year old christians baby milk. We need to STIRR the nest. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Peter, James, John, Paul, Phillip... if they all sat down celebrating BREAKTHROUGHS, Praying and KILLING ENEMIES snd priding themselves in their big HOUSES and big HORSES I suppose nothing would have gotten to us. Rather they burned with LOVE, and when the LOVE of christ takes a man over, it manifests as ZEAL, PASSION and COMMITMENT..yes. Zeal is simply LOVE for GOD in demonstration..Zeal is the OUTWORKING of the LOVE thats aflame in our hearts.. Men driven by LOVE accomplish much for GOD, they are set on a GOD CAUSE, their CONSUMING CONCERN is to do GODs will at any cost. They live above excuses. Their PASSION is not becoming GREAT, their PASSION is not becoming SUPER SUCCESSFUL, their PASSION is to do the WILL of him that SAVED them from this present evil world and the horrors to come. Their passion is to SAVE as many as they can ALONG with them.. But as a REWARD for that..,,God lifts them. He said. Because he hath SET HIS LOVE upon me, therefore will I DELIVER HIM...SET HIM ON HIGH.........ANSWER HIM........BE WITH HIM........DELIVER HIM........HONOUR HIM......SATISFY HIM WITH LONG LIFE.....SHOW HIM MY SALVATION...Ps 91; 14-16.. These blessings are all IGNITED by SETTING YOUR LOVE upon him. Many who fought, worked and schemed to be truly GREAT, never attained it.. but those who set their hearts to LOVE, SERVE and do GODS will, never wanting or wishing for GREATNESS became great..,MOSES, ELIJAH, ELISHAH, DAVID, DANIEL, PETER, JOHN, PAUL....may your name be listed in the annals of almighty Gods book of greatness in Jesus name. ?....
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:53:32 +0000

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