LOWER YOUR OMEGA 6 INTAKE FOR A FASTER METABOLISM Many sources rich in omega 6 fats have been promoted as health foods in recent decades. Things like canola oil (and other vegetable oils, like grapeseed, corn, sunflower, soy, etc) and margarine, peanut butter, and more recently nut and seed oils/butters. Omega 6 fatty acids, like those found in most cooking oils, are a great way to slow your metabolism and get fatter over time. An interesting phenomenon: Did you know that hibernating animals actually must dramatically change their omega 6 to omega 3 ratio in order to enter into hibernation? (Oh, and hibernation, by the way, is a state of extreme metabolism slowdown). Basically the large increase in omega 6 fat consumption essentially signals to their body its time for hibernation and as a result, their metabolism slows down to a crawl to help them basically sleep through the harsh winter. That would be funny except for one thing: Over the last several decades--as a result of authorities telling us to avoid butter/red meat/eggs and instead eat heart healthy vegetable oils--OUR ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 has basically done exactly the same thing as what bears do before hibernation. So unless youre a bear preparing for hibernation, I would strongly recommend lowering your intake of omega 6 fats. unless youre part bear and have a long family history of hibernation, Some common sources: -Vegetable oils (canola, grapseed, corn, soy, safflower, sunflower) which are in virtually all packaged foods, and what nearly all restaurants cook with. -Margarine -Peanut butter -The fat in chicken and other poultry (Remember, the rationale behind eat white meat instead of red was exactly that poultry had more heart healthy omega 6 fats and less evil saturated fat). -Conventionally raised (i.e. not grass fed/free-range) animal meats--particularly poultry and pork -Nuts and seeds/nut and seed oils/butters - Now, in the context of a normal traditional human diet, these are fine. In the context of decades of overconumption of omega 6 fats (like we Americans have today), theyre a not a great choice. Its not an instant effect, but lowering your omega 6 intake can, over time, be a powerful metabolism enhancing strategy.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:50:25 +0000

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