LOY MACHEDOS STRANGE INCIDENT THAT JUST HAPPENED... Door-To-Door Pakistani Muslim Lady Rings My Door Bell. I answer it. She looks at me first trying to focus as the light from the sunlight (open window into a dark corridor makes her squint her eyes)... When she sees my face - she suddenly screams, drops all her flyers and runs off.... I just stand there quietly for a few seconds waiting for anything to happen. Then I close the door and go back to my room. After a few minutes - she rings again. This time I open the door again. She is standing behind there with another guy (bottled water salesman). They both look at me as if I am a ghost going to do something. I ask them, Yes? Still standing behind the sales guy she asks - Sir...sir...sir...Er....Do you want Bottled Water? I reply - No Thank you Politely and shut the door. I look through the keyhole and notice both of them still standing there shocked. Strange Planet I tell you.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:13:35 +0000

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