LPBNET Members. Enjoy the read and comment if you wish. - TopicsExpress


LPBNET Members. Enjoy the read and comment if you wish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUTTING ALL THE DOTS TOGETHER Youve heard that old saying of putting all the dots together, right? Well, as an entrepreneur at heart, including those folks out there who proudly share the entrepreneurial spirit, this is exactly what we do. We discover opportunities that have not yet been exploited, opportunities that are just there waiting for us to develop and create positive results benefiting not only ourselves, but the community as a whole. That my friends is what I call SUCCESS! Its not an easy job to hold the title of entrepreneur, but when it has been in your family blood line for centuries, then it is your duty and responsibility to carry on the torch of success. No one can hire you, even if it means earning a higher income than you are presently making, for we prefer to suffer in the beginning of our new found journey along with all the issues and roadblocks associated with being self-employed. Our passion within us, and the unrelentless desire to never give up, even when the odds are stacked up against us will not deter us, for we will move forward with our initiatives eventually becoming successful in our own right. An entrepreneurs job is a sophisticated one filled with many tasks to undertake, mainly bridging together all the necessary elements to make things happen. For example, I am developing a Mexican European taqueria chain located in the Balkan region of southeast Europe simply because there is NO competition. I am the only game in town in a captive market. Remember, the big fish in a little pond theory? If you spot a lucrative business opportunity, and lets say you have done your homework with all vendor sourcing in place, you still have to develop relationships with contractors, architects, marketing agencies, TV, media, government officials, accountants, and of course social media experts. But, it doesnt stop there, did you forget about raising funds for your project? How will you do it? Unless you have a MBA (Massive Bank Account), youre not going to go to far with your entrepreneurial aspirations. Think about it. You need to be an expert fund raiser, otherwise its hasta la vista baby! So, do you know why I am smiling? Yes, I am on the right track to opening 500+ Mexican taquerias and tortilla factories in a market where none exist. I have the cooperation from various foreign governments, and I have the media ready to provide me with free advertising, but the real reason I am smiling is because, I have a unique fund raising formula that will not only involve the Hispanic community to gladly join me, but the children and young people as well. We must educate our young ones early in life to insure they become successful people later in life. If we dont do it now, we will miss out on that golden opportunity to influence them when they are pliable and eager to soak up knowledge, knowledge that I possess and will share with them, along with the full blessings of governments and educational institutions. The art of putting all the dots together is the key to your success. It is the name of the game. Keep tabs on me folks, youll be learning more from me right here on social media. The future is today!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:06:07 +0000

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