[LPSC3] The usual disgusting, biased reporting by - TopicsExpress


[LPSC3] The usual disgusting, biased reporting by BBC. ---- foa.org.uk/…/bbc-bias-continues-as-palestinian-murde… BBC Covers tragic Synagogue deaths in Jerusalem as headline news, and plays down Palestinian deaths Write to the BBC and demand fair and balances reporting. The BBC News online headline article today was ‘Bloody attack at Jerusalem synagogue’ featuring a report, analysis by a correspondent, a picture blog, and a live blog containing updates every few minutes. Examples of the pictures used in the report and photo blog seemed to have been selected to bring out a strong emotive response amongst the audience. They included the bloodied prayer shawls of the victims, and images of what the BBC alleged were Palestinians celebrating the attack. In contrast, recent reports on Palestinian victims of Israeli violence were muted: Palestinian bus driver, Hassan Yousef Al Ramouni, believed to have been lynched by Israeli settlers had not been mentioned at all by the BBC until the attack on the synagogue, where it was mentioned only in reference to a Hamas statement on the synagogue attack. AFP and major Israeli outlets reported Hassans death. On November 11th, the BBC reported the killing of 22-year-old Imad Jawabreh using quotation marks around ‘shot dead by Israeli army’ as if there was any conflicting report over who had shot Jawabreh. By the fourth paragraph of the report, there was mention of attacks against an Israeli soldier and civilians in an attempt to contextualise the killing. By contrast, the article on the synagogue attack contains no reference to killings of Palestinians by Israelis. Unlike the story on the synagogue attack, there is no live blog and no use of evocative imagery, instead a generic image of an Israeli jeep is used. The BBC only reported on the killing of Khayr al-Din Hamdan, shot dead by Israeli police while his back was turned once. The incident was caught on camera, but the BBC has not followed up on this clear example of police brutality. Bring the BBC to account and question them over this bias reporting which conflates Israeli deaths while understating Palestinian deaths. Take Action Please write a letter of complaint to the BBC. Make a complaint using the BBC online form. It will give you drop down options, pick BBC NEWS then BBC news website. Paste, URL: bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-30092720 Subject of complaint: BBC Bias continues as Palestinian murders ignored. Then copy and paste below: Dear Sir/Madame, Or Post: BBC Complaints PO Box 1922 Darlington DL3 0UR Once you have received a response from the BBC complaints please forward your complaint onto the BBC trust, [email protected] Letter Complaint: Bias in BBC news website report on coverage of Israel/Palestine Dear Sir/Madame, I would like you to complain about coverage of recent events in Jerusalem. The death of four Israelis killed in an attack on a synagogue on November 18th made front page of BBC News website, with graphic images of victims, a live blog and photo blog. By comparison the death of Hassan Yousef Al Ramouni on November 16th was not reported and only referred to in the context of the former incident. Similarly, the death of Imad Jawabreh (11/11) did not receive anywhere near the coverage of attacks on Israelis and strangely kept the words ‘shot dead by the Israeli army’ in quotation marks. Were there were any conflicting reports surrounding the identity of his killers to justify quotation marks? Again, October 25 report on a US demand to investigate the killing of Orwa Hammad, makes no mention of those responsible for his death in the headline ‘US urges probe after teenager shot dead in West Bank’. By contrast here are some of your headlines where Palestinians have been accused of attacks: - Palestinians kill Israeli worshippers –November - Palestinian van attack kills policeman- November 6th - Palestinian car attack claims second victim- October 27th These are in addition to the negligible coverage of other deaths which space does not allow for here. How does the BBC explain these disparities? I would like to request that this complaint is treated seriously and an appropriate investigation launched.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 01:20:57 +0000

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