LRCS 2014 LAST SUNDAY LONG RUN REPORT What a way to bid - TopicsExpress


LRCS 2014 LAST SUNDAY LONG RUN REPORT What a way to bid good-bye to 2014.....ending the year in style and how!! Sunday morning saw LRCians really go for it. We started with warm-ups under Vikas Ganjoos guidance, covering distances of 8-16kms and spending the morning in the company of two stunning personalities - Mr. Sunil Shetty and Mrs. Sangeeta Shetty!!!! For most of us it was our first long distance run and a very very memorable one. Vikas Kandoi and Vikas G did a fabulous job of pacing, constantly encouraging us to finish the route...which was tough for first time runners. It was more of a mind game. The gentlemen in our fraternity slowed down their pace to ensure the ladies were escorted and cheered on and kept everyone covered. The weather was cool and held on. Shortly into the run we could feel our calves protesting and breath becoming short but giving up wasnt an option! Jenifer Dwivedi was setting the track ablaze with Anamika Kundu. This was their first long run and mine as well. Vikas K was urging us on and it was working, pacing was coming in waves, we were on the final leg. At the end of our first loop and feeling energised to take on the second, we met the Shettys. We began our second loop without any doubts given the chance to run with the experienced and elite runners. They have been running for the past 12 years and have been injury free!! Sangeeta maam was constantly guiding us, answering our queries and maintaining an even pace. Some of the essential pointers shared are as follows - 1. Run for a while then walk - runners can try an 8min run 2 min walk combination. The muscles used for walking and running are different so u rest one when you use the other. So dont overexert either of them. Youll fizz out faster. 2. While walking relax shoulders and stretch the neck and arms. 3. Strike with mid foot rather than heel while running. 4. Stretching before is important but more so after your run. 5. To prepare for a good run focus on core and weight training, then flexibility and then running. Maintaining this order is crucial. 6. Build your base of running by increasing your mileage. If you do 20-25km a week, one week in a month devote to increasing mileage to about 40km varying from individual to individual. 7. Maximize 5 to 6 races in a year. During no race season work on increasing the mileage rather than speed.More miles = faster pace. 8. Most importantly dont just train for races,...train as a part of life. Running is not an event ...its a journey. One which can only become better as we run and keep running. Doing 5-6 races or marathons a year is sufficient. With regards to Nutrition and other things- 1. Week before race increase carb intake meaning brown rice or pasta ( without white sauce). Eat one portion more than what you normaly would...especially in the afternoon. 2. Chia seeds ( sabza taken with falooda) palak, methi, sweetpotatoes are very good. 3. Hydrate well - Lots of water intake. 4. No fried stuff. Use olive oil or rice bran oil as healthier substitutes in cooking if you wish. 5. After the race eat everything in moderation, even junk food. 7. Having dates, oranges or banana during a race is good - it gives instant energy. Avoid biscuits or sweets. 8. Dont experiment on race day. Try foods, training etc a month before. 9. Minimum 6-7hrs sleep every night is essential. Before race day all good runners also get sleepless nights. Its obvious. Make it a point then to sleep well on the previous two-three nights. 12. Eat before running, even tea n toast is better than empty stomach 13. MOST IMPORTANTLY - something that our Coach Darshan Divakaran tells us repeatedly - Just enjoy the run!!! Go gadget free once in a while. Soak in the atmosphere...feel the energy rather than worry about timing and PBs. Thank you Anamika for helping with the inputs for this post. We are extremely thankful to maam and sir for taking the time and visiting us simply because Darshan requested them to. They had no plans of running and had a long night before. Yet, they gave their Sunday morning to us so that we might benefit from their mentoring. We are very humbled to see and learn that achievements dont make a person what he or she is...its the respect for the sport and the humility to give back without asking for anything in return. Thank you Sir! Thank you maam! You made our Sunday an extremely memorable one. Last but never the least, thank you Captain for the relentless efforts you make for us. Despite not being here, you are connected with us, treat us like family, make sure we are cared for and are always on the look out to provide us with the best. You are a leader of the greatest sort. We miss you and hope to see you soon!! May you always rise and shine and forever prosper!! We will keep making you proud!!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 04:05:37 +0000

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