LUCID DREAMING(sleep paralyses) *All percentages are only for - TopicsExpress


LUCID DREAMING(sleep paralyses) *All percentages are only for references, increase or decrease can be varied on large scale. *Everything mentioned in this article is based on Research. *Although Knowledge may be irrelevant, but the concept is scientifically accepted. *Lucid Dreams are NOT Wet Dreams. But they can cause wet dreams therefore it is discouraged from Religious point of view. (Wet dreaming while knowing are Haram… This info is not Confirmed) *This article is only to make you aware of what is Lucid Dreaming. *The concept of lucid dreaming is also explained on Wikipedia and also there are dedicated sites for this purpose, i.e. It is a very widely accepted concept. *This concept is genuine and real. For those who have seen Inception ... and tried to dream like they do... A word of Caution the concepts used in movies are actually to some extent TRUE in most cases and it is in fact possible to adapt some of the possibilities portrayed. NOW the concept which matters to us in regard to INCEPTION is LUCID DREAMING. (Lucid dreaming is an art of dreaming in which we control our dreams, well I will further explain that later). It is in fact true that Humans while sleeping use more than 80% of their brain, while dreaming we don’t use any of our other senses voluntarily in fact they are controlled by 20% of our brain, other than that none of our muscles are usable by us therefore the brain is left with 80% free usage which it uses to create an illusion or in other words an alternate reality which it needs for itself to be kept conserved at all times (A human brain can never stop working, even after we die our brain works i.e. consciousness continues even when the brain is not functioning. In other words, consciousness is something separate from the physical brain and body, moreover if the brain is preserved somehow and electric discharge is passed through it, it starts working although the output is unavailable). (NOTE: some claim to have invented measures to actually observe the brain activity, without deviating from the topic it’s not actually relevant to our cause in this case-study). Now coming back to our main concern that what actually happens when we sleep, To create an atmosphere for the human condition to exist it is necessary that we constantly remain connected to our Consciousness (which is being in REALITY) by our Sub-conscious (which controls our mind in sleeping) in the state of unconsciousness (which is while we are in sleep state). Our subconscious does this very precisely for quite some amount of time when we go to sleep (or are in the immediate state of sleep). It is known to us very-well that when we actually try to sleep or when we eventually sleep somehow we start losing our consciousness then end-up sleeping, our sub-conscious takes control over our body and mind when we entirely lose consciousness. At the point of entire loss of consciousness we remember almost nothing quite simply we are unconscious therefore anything happening during this time is impossible for any of us to remember, but our sub-conscious is still working. And when our conscious fights back to regain control over our body and mind a time comes when our conscious can gain more control and we can gain entire consciousness (although mind doesn’t gain entire consciousness), therefore we stuck being in the middle of consciousness and unconsciousness (increase and decrease takes place), this part is called Dreaming. Now scientifically it has been accepted (well we cannot say that it’s proved because in such aspects such as dreaming, soul, life etc. proving cannot be done, so much so that dreaming is regarded as combination of memories, soul as energy, and life as DNA) that we can gain enough consciousness that we can control our dreams, without gaining entire consciousness (without waking). The unconsciousness (or enough consciousness not to gain entire consciousness) in which we can gain control over ourselves is called LUCID DREAMING. Q. Now the question is how we can Lucid Dream or control our dreams? A. A Human mind while Sleeping is always dreaming, (these dreams can be single (very rare) or multiple, although most people dream multiple Dreams) fragments of which can be remembered as memories when we wake-up and try to remember them. About normal Dreaming Scientists persist over this that we only remember the dreams or fragments of dreams which involve our Real-time memories about which we ponder the most in our Reality. That is because while dreaming when the illusions of our subconscious and memories collide, our sub-conscious starts to lose control and our consciousness starts gaining control, that is how while dreaming our memories our consciousness is almost active (that is the reason when in our dreams something really bad happens or for instance if we die we immediately wake-up feeling the very last virtual effect in Reality). Sometimes, many must have noticed that while sleeping, when we wake up and are in the state of unconsciousness we sleep again and end-up dreaming but this dream is unintentionally being controlled by us. Such that we are controlling our dreams but are unaware of it. Well, it’s very interesting. SO, to be able to control our dreams we have to make our sub-conscious dream about our memories but our memories are not powerful enough that they can combine with our dreams and eventually don’t give our consciousness control over our dreams. To overcome this difficulty is the main aspect of LUCID DREAMING, it’s the most hardest. Most of the people trying to Lucid Dream are unable to overcome this and even the most avid learners take some time to Lucid Dream, it takes a lot of time and potential to fully take control over the Lucid Dreaming ability of our dreams. Q. The second question is how to OVERCOME this Difficulty (to make our sub-consciousness combine the dream with our memories)? A. NOTE: To properly Lucid Dream the person should first practice it before fully controlling it because without practice it is hard for anyone to end-up in their desires dreams. To do so, we must think of our objective at every time while we are in reality. For practice, let’s assume that we have to dream about the person we love and s/he is dead, then we can do so by thinking about a meeting we had with that person in real life but this thought should be recessed and remembered by us at every moment of the day and night before going to sleep, such that while sleeping our sub-conscious repeats the process of the brain of remembering that thought and automatically adapts that thought and intermix it with our dream world. Where we gain enough consciousness due to our attention on the object so as to control our dreams i.e. we are able to lucid dream. But this process is not as easy as it seems, so good-luck with LUCID DREAMING. Q. Now a question arises here, that what is it that we can do in our own-controlled Dream World? Aka what are the benefits or cons of Lucid Dreaming? A. Well, this question is answered many time, in fact the whole argument is about it, that if humans can Lucid Dream they can think of almost everything and implement everything in their desired dreams. People can space-travel, meet with their loved ones (now it is very important here that if the person is dead or is far away for ages then we are only able to see them alive in our dreams because of our memories, and we can never change our memories although we can interact with it.), law of physics are not obeyed and the list goes on, just think about it and you can do it, people are even able to fly in their dreams. One can discover more while actually Lucid Dreaming. Accepting reality can be more difficult and painful for those who will start to obey the laws of Lucid Dreaming. (Breaking of all the laws is the law of Lucid Dreaming). Q. Is Lucid dreaming actually Possible? A. Yes it is. Science proves it. Everything mention in this article is based on Research, although the knowledge may be irrelevant. Additional Notes: Q. Experiences from the movie, do we actually go to Limbo after death in a dream? (Limbo is defined as the unreconstructed empty space in dreams, well see the movie you will know better :-) ) A. No, nothing of such sort happens (don’t know if it happens due to sedatives as they showed in the movie as it is not in my knowledge that anyone has yet tested Lucid Dreaming with Sedatives). Most probably deaths in dreams are so much shocking that they fully return the consciousness, we wake-up. CONCLUSION: In dreaming it is quite noticeable that we end-up being in the dream but we never actually remember the origins of it, that’s how we can always differentiate b/w dream and reality. If someday due to rapid advancement in technology a device is invented which projects the activity of human brain. Human beings can marvel over the wondrous worlds of Imagination created by our Sub-Conscious mind, and desired dreams by Lucid Dreaming. Written By Muhammad Umar Tarique
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 01:46:41 +0000

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