LUCIFERIANISM THE ORDERS VIEWS ok here is the second part of what - TopicsExpress


LUCIFERIANISM THE ORDERS VIEWS ok here is the second part of what i promised there are 2 forms of satanism or luciferianism you have dogma based hence layven stanism and other likes as micheal fords order of the phospherous now these types of satanism/luciferianism utilise there concepts on the fact that you are your own god and the term satan or lucifer is an archtype or a state of mind like michael ford explains lucifer is a mask and lavey its more a psyche state or a metafore me personally do not folow these types of satanism/luciferianism ( s/l from now on) now the order is based on theistic gnostic luciferianism were we actully believe in satan or lucifer as gods not as metafores or archtypes of the mind state so in a nut shell we are and always will believe in these dietys and some mmay fear them or as myself embrace them. so as you see there is the theistic called traditianal and the modern or laveyan ssatanism now the order has a very clear stand point of being against the modern laveyan or dogma based satanism as it serves no point and has no meaning or outcome to is so called athiest belifs now in saying that i do sit thre and acknowedge what anton lavey has done with being the first excepted form of satanism in the modern day ( i only say this as for clearlly when you read his rubbish you see that it has nothhing to actually do with satanism. now theistic s/l serves a point it is based on many forms of diffrent belife structures it is not bound by one and one only like most dogma based religions it has ancient belifs ranging back to the start of time as far bck as the sumer/babylonian times such as gods as enki/ satan marduk/ lucifer ok you may ask but they are diffrent nmes yes thats right but they are one in the same god as time has passed names have changed through diffrent belife structures so as you can se s/l is by far one of the oldest religoins out there you even have the qaynites qayin being the first murderer and the first child of adam and eve direct desendeants from the black light now that is another point i will make later for now this is just a quick insight i will be doing a page for each time period to explain who the gods were and who they represent in the mmodern theistic s/l person any way time out ave, Lucifer
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 08:10:44 +0000

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