LUKE 19 - ZACCHAEUS: My kids used to sing a little Vacation Bible - TopicsExpress


LUKE 19 - ZACCHAEUS: My kids used to sing a little Vacation Bible Song about Zacchaeus, and how he was a wee little man, etc. The song was fun and had silly hand motions. But the story here has deep meaning. Zacchaeus was lost. He was the chief tax collector – worst of the worst. But his heart told him he should at least be curious about Jesus. This is true for all mankind. Men see the created things, the miracles, and Scriptures tells us they have proof enough of God. Zaccheaus was so intent on seeing Jesus, learning more about Him, figuring Him out, that Jesus singled him out and extended salvation to the little man and all his household. Zacchaeus had a big faith. Something we all need before we can really seek after a Savior. TEN TALENTS – or Minas. The form of currency is irrelevant. The point here is that Jesus entrusted the people to something, and He expected them to use it for His glory. So it is with us. In the parable, the people really didn’t want the master as their king. So it is today, when people reject Jesus – willingly and knowingly. Verse 27 is very chilling. Keep in mind Jesus is the picture of love and mercy, kindness and grace. But He is also the picture of justice. At the end, when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord … those who didn’t want Him as their king will be banished to hell. Doesn’t that make you want to show Jesus to our broken world? Pray for your friends and family who are still in the group that has rejected Jesus as king. Pray and love and tell them the good news of Jesus. THE KINGDOM: This theme is also recurrent. The people wanted a kingdom on earth, freedom from Roman rule, power and worldwide success. This is why in verse 11, Luke reminds us that the people were expecting such a kingdom. The people prove it by laying down their cloaks and palm branches as Jesus comes into Jerusalem. A week later when Jesus is arrested, they expect Him to summons ten thousand angels and bring victory to the Jews. When He doesn’t, they call for His crucifixion, His death. Just like the parable. SORROW: Jesus knows what’s about to happen. He’s been talking about it since the start of His public ministry. But here – days before His arrest – as He comes into Jerusalem, He weeps. He breaks down and cries. Why? The reason is in verse. 42 – If the people had only known what would bring them peace … but they refused Jesus as a heavenly King. He knows that their hard hearts will bring them to ruin, and this causes Him to cry. FALSE TEACHING: Many people try to say that Jesus was a kind man, a good teacher, or a prophet. If He had claimed these things alone, no one would’ve crucified Him. They killed Him because they understood His claim: Jesus said He was God. The Messiah. Emmanuel. God with us. Verse 44 is very profound, then. If anyone ever asks you to prove that Jesus believes He is God … there are hundreds of ways to use Scripture to show this. But certainly here is one very clear moment. Jesus is talking, hurting over the hard hearts of the Jewish people. And He says, “… you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.” God. Jesus is talking about Himself and He says they didn’t recognize God coming to them. Very clear, friends. HANGING on every WORD: Verse 48 shows the people hanging on every word of Jesus. Take a minute and smile, feel the peace of God work its way through you. You and I are not perfect. We are sinners saved only by the blood of Christ. But … it is our great pleasure and peace to spend this time together. Hanging on tight to the words and teachings of Jesus Christ. Love you all :)
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 22:48:14 +0000

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