LUMS OLYMPIAD 2014 having these Following 24 Events. LUMS - TopicsExpress


LUMS OLYMPIAD 2014 having these Following 24 Events. LUMS Olympiad will be held from 12th - 15th of March 2014. 1-Ad-Making Have you ever seen those ridiculous ads on television and wondered to yourself, ‘Oh my God, I can do so much better’? Have you ever rued the lack of creativity in ads? If you have, then this event is for you. LMA in Olympiad’14 gives you the opportunity of stepping into the shoes of actual marketing firms in the world and to create ads for the greatest ideas and products. Come now and showcase your marketing talents. Prove to the world that you are more creative, more insightful and more thoughtful than the greatest minds out there. We are waiting to be amazed; the only question is, can you? 2-Ala Carte This March, Olympiad’14 brings to you one of a kind cooking competition where we give you the chance to express your culinary creativity and expertise. If you’re an amateur cook who aims to reach the pinnacle of the culinary world, or just a curious cook who likes who create unique, expressive dishes, this is for you. The Olympiad gives you the chance to mirror the adventures of Gordon Ramsay and to prove to the world that you are indeed a great chef. Come, satisfy our taste buds and claim the title of Olympiad 14’s greatest chef! 3-Battle of the Bands Our first gig was a battle of the bands. We did 45 minutes of comedy and never played a note - and we won! - Cheech Marin “For those about to rock, we salute you!” were the very words that engraved the legend of AC/DC and laid the path for many of its faithful disciples to follow. Do you have some phenomenal ability that you need the planet to know about or some fire building in yourself to show your abilities? LUMS Olympiad ‘14 brings you Battle of bands! We have in store for you a platform where all you gifted individuals can come to rock & roll! We have everything ready for you to come and show us your talent, so what’re you waiting for? It’s Showtime! 4-Beach Volleyball This spring, the play heats up on the sand as men and women compete for their respective titles at this year’s Olympiad. Set and spike your weekend to a new level by getting your piece of the beach at Olympiad 2014. 5-Bilingual Declamation Debating is the essence of learning. It is an exciting experience exposing participants to novel diverse ideas and ideals, important information and interesting personalities. Bilingual Declamation at LUMS Olympiad 14 seeks to revive the endangered art of Public Speaking by providing a platform to our youth to showcase their leadership qualities through projecting their oratory skills along with elocution. It is a battle of rhetoric, language, emotional appeal and wit. Olympiad 14 calls for not only ENGLISH but URDU orators as well. If you believe you are an eloquent person with energetic rhetoric abilities and you are well aware of the magical power of words, if your verbal strike can make others speechless, if you are daring enough to challenge your conventions and break the silence then the time has come to make your way to the rostrum and make your voice echo around, because LUMS Olympiad ‘14 brings you Bilingual Declamation Contest - A Battle for the warriors of words. Let your blazing rhetoric skills flare and your passion glare, let your intellect peep and ignorance sleep. Let your Declamation Roar! 6-Cabinet Crisis If you have an important point to make, dont try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack. ― Winston Churchill Think you’re an up-and-coming Senator? Want to break into the espionage business? Think you could do a better job than Nawaz Sharif? Look like a younger Hillary Clinton? Or want to look like Imran Khan? If you answered yes to one or more of these, then Cabinet Crisis at LUMS Olympiad ‘14 is for you! Cabinet Crisis is a fantastic way to hone your public speaking and negotiating skills, while learning more about Politics of Pakistan and global issues in an interactive setting. But dont be shy, theres no need to have lots of experience to get the most out of Cabinet Crisis; all you need is enthusiasm and a great imagination! 7-Console Gaming Gaming gives me a chance to just let go, blow somebody up and fight somebody from another dimension. Its all escapism. - Wayne Brady Do you have what it takes to challenge an unknown opponent at your favorite game? This year LUMS Olympiad ‘14 brings to you again one of the most anticipated Console-Gaming tournaments in Pakistan. The competition is bigger and better this time around! And of course this means that some of the best teams will be participating. So everyone better gear up, because this time the competition is going to be tougher and the stakes higher! Go call your clan mates, practice on your individual skills, aptitudes and team coordination, because Console Gaming at LUMS Olympiad ’14 is going to test it all. Games included this year are: FIFA ‘14 DOTA 8--Crime Busters Are you a Sherlock Holmes fanatic? Can you solve mysteries using his techniques? If yes, then fasten your seat belts as LUMS Olympiad ‘13 brings you Crime Busters, organized by LUMS Daily Student. Be ready to solve mysteries, hunt down clues and compete with fellow teams in a unique environment! Go hunting for clues that involves blood, fire, fights, betrayal, romance, selfishness and money! 9-Dramatics Do you love to create a fuss out of small things? Do you overdramatize things at home just to get permission from your parents to go out late at night? Do you tend to make your friends guilty over nothing just by bringing out that puppy dog pout of yours and then get your way with things? Well if you do then these are all signs showing that you are an amazing actor and the LUMS Olympiad brings the platform to you to showcase that talent of yours! The dramatics competition at this year’s Olympiad helps you to bring that inborn talent up on the stage and show everyone just how good you are! Who knows, we might have the next Leonardio Di Caprio amongst us! 10-Economic Case Study If economic problems like poverty, starvation, inflation, unemployment, illiteracy and inequality trouble you and if you believe that solutions to all these problems are in your head, then this is your chance to present your solutions. LUMS Olympiad’s Economic Case Study Competition arranged by ShARE Organization (operating in 16 countries, (share- is an opportunity for students to apply their problem solving skills and their reasoning and analytical abilities to provide solutions to some of the most daunting and persistent issues in the Pakistani and the world economy. It gives a great opportunity to all the aspiring economists, policy makers, businessmen and public service officers to get hands on experience with problem solving. 11-Futsul Get ready to show what you are capable of on the field! Whether you can dribble like Messi or power your way through opponents like Ronaldo, this is the platform for you to test it out. However it’s the power of five that will win you this event and only the team that can read its opponent’s moves on the field, illustrate impeccable ball control and execute blistering finishes which can take the trophy. 12-Law Moot Court Alan Shore: “What does any true red, white and blue American do when he has been wronged or slightly been put off?” Denny Crane: “We sue”. LUMS Olympiad ’14 calls all prospective lawyers and students with a penchant for law and argumentation who hope to become the lawyers, judges or legal scholars of tomorrow! The Law Moot Court Competition guarantees you the opportunity to discover and fully recognize your true vocation for an area of law that will serve as a solid foundation when litigating in the courts of Pakistan or any other country. It provides you with the platform to bask in the limelight and opportunity to emulate your role models at the grandest stage of them all. The Competition is a valuable educational tool that challenges student competitors by engaging them in cutting-edge legal discussions concerning the Pakistani Legal System. Law Moot Court Competition provides you a chance to showcase your rudimentary lawyering skills and show to your peers that you have what it takes to be the next Aitzaz Ahsan or S.M Zafar. So seize the moment and immortalize the legend. Take the initiative to have your name engraved in the annals of history for all time to come. Let the Olympiad be the harbinger of glory and accolades to come in your career. 13-Math Enigma “Pure mathematics is the worlds best game. It is more absorbing than chess, more of a gamble than poker, and lasts longer than Monopoly. Its free. It can be played anywhere—Archimedes did it in a bathtub. It is dramatic, challenging, endless, and full of surprises”. - Richard J. Trudeau. Gone are the days when being a Math Geek was not trendy! Now is the time to flaunt the genius of your mind and impress us with your understanding of mathematical applications. Numbers have always intrigued the human history and we at LUMS Olympiad ‘14 present to you an exciting clash of mathematics this year around as well. Math Enigma at LUMS Olympiad ’14 involves both brain and guts, so to all the Math geeks we say: bring your brains! And to all the masses we say: bring your guts! And if youve got both all the best! Dont even think you need to know those old Greek dudes whom theorems are named after... All youve got to know is how to play with numbers! It has got to be a mixture of your analytical skills, logic and your basic understanding of math. We say – Bring it on!! 14-Mind Quest Mind Quest is a supreme quiz competition that calls out to the young erudite minds of the country for a showdown of intelligence and nerves. This year Mind Quest comes with a whole new air to test the real geniuses among us; masters of this age of information. From geometry to history to current affairs, we bring you a competition that will set the keys of the sharpest minds in motion as they try to unravel the answers and battle out the time constraint at hand. Let’s establish the real know-it-alls this year at Olympiad Mind Quest 14. This year, we separate the wannabes from the real deal. Get ready! 15-Movie Trivia Hey movie buffs! Now’s the time to strut your stuff and show everyone that all those random little facts you knew about movies weren’t useless after all! The LUMS Olympiad Movie Trivia is a dream come true for all you movie lovers out there, so come on here and show everyone what you’re made of. We can’t promise that it’ll be easy, but we will promise that it’ll be a lot of fun. So brush up your Hollywood and Bollywood knowledge, and look up some famous movies from other countries as well! From the simple Q&A round, to the lightening quick Rapid Fire round and the always hilarious Dumb Charades round, nothing will ever be boring while you’re playing. We promise. 16-Music Video Music is an integral part of our lives. It is everywhere. In our iPods, in our phones, in commercials and LUMS Olympiad’14 gives you the chance to appreciate the beauty of music and visually express it. We are looking for music videos that express everything that a song needs to express. Let your creative juices run wild and come up with the most out-of-the-box interpretation of a song. Grab a song that you really like and create a music video that does it justice. This march, show us your interpretation of your favorite song! 17-Paradigm Deep down, within all of us is the insatiable desire to understand, to comprehend. There is an air of inquisitiveness about us all. Isaac Newton had it and it led him to unravel the secrets of life. If you are one of those people who can’t live without knowing, or in the immortal words of Ted Mosby and the gang, if you’ve ‘gotz to know’, this event is for you. Olympiad 14’s Paradigm provides the perfect opportunity for you to come and unravel the little mysteries of life. We provide you with unnerving puzzles and with mysteries so complex you’ll find yourself biting your nails and pulling your hair but at the end of the day. And when you come out triumphant, you’ll feel better than you ever have in your life. Join us this March for an adventure through mystery and find your inner abilities to unravel puzzles! Come and take part in Paradigm! 18-Parliamentary Debates – English “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. - Winston Churchill Want your words to inspire and enlighten? Dare to stand up and challenge conventions? Bold enough to change minds? Welcome to Parliamentary Debates Championship LUMS Olympiad ’14, where we debate what matters and it matters what we debate. Wait not for anyone. Stand up. Stand out. Break the silence! The Parliamentary Debates Competition at LUMS Olympiad ’14 is to test the intellect and wit of all the participants. Keeping in line with this tradition, this year’s edition of Parliamentary Debates aims to not only challenge each team’s argumentation skills and informed bluffing, but also take it a notch further. 19-Singing – Classical “If music be the food of love, play on”. - William Shakespeare LUMS Olympiad ‘14 brings you Classical Singing competition!! Its the time of the year, when all your dreams materialize. Were back with solo Classical Singing and this time it’s bigger and better than ever before. We know you have been tuning your voices when you hit the showers and now is the ideal time to take the next step. Enthrall the crowd with performances never seen before. It is the ideal chance to free the vocalist in you and let him/her take control. Let the swarm serenade your name as you shake the floor with your vocals. 20-Singing – Western “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything”. - Plato Do you have a nice voice and want to be a singing star, but not sure you have what it takes? LUMS Olympiad ‘14 brings you Western Singing competition!! Its the time of the year, when all your rock star dreams materialize. Were back with solo Western Singing and this time it’s bigger and better than ever before! So come join us and sing your hearts out! 21-Social Entrepreneurship Challenge Do you dream of being more than just an average student? Do you have an idea which can change the world? Do you think you have the potential to be the future of this country? The Social Entrepreneurship Competition, presented in unison with AISEC Lahore, is just the platform for you! Contestants will be the given the opportunity to present their project ideas to leading NGOs of Lahore and Pakistan where they will be selected based on their potential impact, feasibility and relevance to the current situation of Pakistan. The project with the highest rank will be implemented and you will be able to see your dream of making a significant change come true. You never know, you could be the next big thing for Pakistan! 22-Speed Filming Calling all aspiring filmmakers! Bring out your shooting gear and get ready for an exciting week at LUMS! Speed filming will involve making a short video over the period of the Olympiad! Polish your skills before you come for this event because you are in for a hectic but amazing ride! So take out your thinking hats, put your game face on and find the spontaneous spark in you. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Speed Filming. 23-Stock Exchange Simulation Do you know that Warren Buffet, the all time great investor and stock trader, began investing in stocks with only $100 at the age of 20, almost as old as us? Now his worth is over $65 billion. Stock trading is a game where anyone with a deep knowledge of continuously changing market conditions can sweep the game. If you have the courage and the spark to beat the market by your witty stock picking strategies, then let your creative juices flow and outperform in the market by maximizing your portfolio return. At the end of the day your analysis, well timed and witty decisions helps you win. Get ready for an ultimately new and innovative experience of stock trading with a real chance of experiencing the live happenings of the stock exchange and stock markets. Join us this time around in LUMS OLYMPIAD 14’ in Stock Simulation arranged by ShARE (a global organization operating in 16 countries worldwide share website) and let your analysis of different happenings in the market, guide you towards creating the perfect portfolio out of your wealth. This event provides you a perfect opportunity to apply your classroom knowledge of financing to turn your money into successful and profitable shares. We also provide you with practical exposure of stock markets and all the excitement of enjoying moments of success. This event will help you assess your skills in trading and will prove to be a big first step towards your future decisions of becoming a successful investor. All those aspiring investors, financial and stock market advisors who want to check their investing decision making abilities, come now and experience the thrill of being an investor! 24-Thematic Art Arts fanatics all around Pakistan get ready because LUMS Olympiad as always has something in store for you too! We bring to you a chance to let out the entire creativeness inside you and show to the whole world what amazing ideas and creations are hidden inside that brain of yours So bring forward your A game, your brushes, your dusty paint palettes and unleash all that creativity on this platform where your soul will do the talking and the whole world will be left in awe. We present to you the Thematic Arts Competition taking place at this year’s Olympiad!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:13:24 +0000

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