☾⊙☽LUNAR ECLIPSE OCTOBER 2014☾⊙☽ October is a - TopicsExpress


☾⊙☽LUNAR ECLIPSE OCTOBER 2014☾⊙☽ October is a balancing act. This month pushes the edge of everything, forcing expansion, new strategies for balance and a necessary letting go of what really does not work. It is an exciting, somehow intimidating, exhilarating month with the challenge of fear as well as the opportunity to experience the ecstatic state of higher frequencies like never before. It is truly a circus that we are both witness to and performers in. There are two eclipses this month as well as some interesting astrological aspects that support the month to be one of the most eccentric, creative, surprising and unpredictable we have had in a long time. I could have explored many themes this month: Balancing act, radical shift, intensity, surprise, expansion, risk, edge, chaos, power, balance, unpredictable,revolution/evolution, eccentric, new alignment.. But decided on the ‘three legged stool’ because it is an image that to me best describes the situation we find ourselves in this month. A three-legged stool is unstable but stable at the same time. Its stability depends on the user. If you use a three-legged stool, which can be a great support when you need something to sit on, you need to be sitting straight and balanced. If you lean too far in either direction you will fall off. It requires attention to how you are sitting, with your back straight, as well as the awareness of where you have placed the stool, hopefully on stable ground. And your feet have to be firmly planted on the ground. There will be times this month where your stool may actually feel like a one legged-stool requiring even more presence, attention and inner stability and balance. So the three-legged stool (sometimes a one-legged stool) is a metaphor for the times. We have everything we need to support our lives and to midwife our transformation. We just need to trust our seemingly unstable environment, and pay attention to how we are navigating our lives every day. “We need to be in our personal power, connected to the integrity of our hearts and striving for a new balance. We need to release our old stories and become more comfortable with the mystery of the unknown. We need to shift our platforms of security from exterior systems to interior ones. In other words, trust more in our talents, inner wisdom, personal beliefs and the higher self of spirit rather than the money in the bank, corporate jobs, or the roof over our heads. We need to allow inspiration and a new higher frequency to guide us … 1. Know who you are and don’t get swayed by another’s fear, beliefs, judgments or expectations. 2. Don’t take things personally. 3. Always move yourself to the place of enthusiasm and excitement when you feel the terror coming on. There is a fine line between terror and excitement. Terror will always throw you into a lower frequency whereas excitement will keep you moving in the right direction with the right attitude. 4. Keep a ‘don’t know mind’ and listen to your heart. 5. Tell the truth no matter what. 6. Trust in spirit and your own higher self and inner voice. 7. Allow yourself to feel joy. 8. Never blame others. Take that chip off your shoulder once and for all. 9. Forgive, forgive, and forgive. 10. Slow down and finish what you started before jumping into the next inspired task. 11. Be eccentric rather than ‘normal‘ 12. Think creatively whenever possible. This is a highly creative and eccentric month. Push the envelope of your expression in the world. Try new things. Take a risk. Say YES to something you have been contemplating but have been too afraid to commit to. Instead of becoming small and retreating back into limitation, prioritize when you feel the chaos of having too much on your plate. “There is an opportunity here to express more authentically and to find a new alignment and a new balance in your life. This is also a month where you can tap into a reservoir of personal power that you did not realize you had. The mantra should be ‘anything is possible.’ You just need to allow it by keeping yourself as free as possible from the ‘old story’ of limitation and victimization. The roof literally comes off the building allowing you to move into a new space, a higher floor, and an expanded view of your world that includes more light, joy and possibility. Excerpts; (To Read More); thepowerpath/monthly-forecast/october-2014-monthly-forecast/ art; e11en vaman facebook/ellenvaman 911.2
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 11:04:06 +0000

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