LYA, a woman of extraterrestrial origin, beautiful, intelligent - TopicsExpress


LYA, a woman of extraterrestrial origin, beautiful, intelligent and noble, arrived at a most unexpected moment in my life. Nevertheless this came to pass several years before I understood the magnitude of her presence on our planet Earh ... Good day, professor. She greeted me. Good day, senorita. Was my response. I looked at her profoundly while she extended her hand. It may seem strange but to me you seem so familiar, so well known, that I would judge that you and I have already had a pact at a level of friendship. I told her. Professor, I have come to look for you. I have tried to make these encounters, having come precisely to see you. The strangeness is not that you have expected to see me, but that you would have the occasion to see and hear afterward. You have come to find me? I asked, full of surprise. Thus it is. My name is LYA and on the Earth, as well as in other parts of the Universe, my mission is to investigate all types of intelligent life, its association with the planet, its adaptability, and the bilogical-social prolongation in its development. What are you trying to say? What other parts of the Universe? I shall explain, professor. I am not of this planet. I come from one that is thousands of light years from Earth. I am part of an investigative group. How? I asked, still without believing what I was hearing. Yes, I know that you do not believe now this that I tell you. Members of the group to which I belong and I have tried to open telepathic communication, but we felt that this could have disturbed you a little emotionally, for which we decided on direct communication. You are an objective and analytical man. It will be very difficult for us to overcome your scepticism. You yourself at the end of all this will be able to analyze with empathy all that I have said to you. We know that you do not believe all that you receive through the bioelectric telepathic stimulus. You are an honest receiver but our intentions would not change the results if we did not speak to you directly. What is it that you are intending? To make me leave my way of life? I have heard of persons who spend their life jumping from one fantasy to another, but what you say surpasses the limits if imagination. I said getting angry. No professor, I know that for you it is difficult to believe, but finally you will accept our existence, which is not as brainbusting as the existence of the human being on the earth. Or, do you believe perhaps that a being of this planet would be able to doubt your existence still while I am looking at you? Momentarily I felt confused. Pardon.. .1 must go to my work. I said in a manner of excuse. look professor. Peer directly into my eyes and think of something that interests you... or something that is not fixed in your cerebral neurons, though being imaginative. . .to yourself. and that, why? I can know what you think. She added. I laughed incredulously. Try it. She insisted. I could not lose anything. I closed my eyes and in my mind I began to pronounce the Greek alphabet. Oh, no professor, she said, the Greek Alphabet is too simple. Think of something else. Ask me a question in your mind. I mentally asked, Is it true that you come from another planet? She answered me, Yes. I could have been surprised, or perhaps she could have made me nervous. Nevertheless I felt profoundly relaxed and also experimented with unusual mental concentration. If in truth you come from another planet, how is it that you speak perfectly in Spanish? I asked... What you see above is an excerpt from the book UFO Contact from Andromeda, and its the first talk between a professor from Mexic and Lya. From this first contact, things begin to accelerate, and their contact develops more fully. The books shows a passion and a love for life, from the proffessor and LYA. This book is available in e-book format, the payment is done with paypal, and after you make the payment you will automatically receive a download link. The orders are done on the link below This is a book that we deeply like, and if you like it too, you can share information. Love life and a best day, Heartbrain Books heartbrain-books/shop/ufo-contact-from-andromeda-2/
Posted on: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 19:45:37 +0000

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