LYMINGTON MARINERS RECORD BREAKING SCORE LINE Portsmouth IV 6 points – Lymington Mariners 126 points Lymington Mariners travelled to Pompey with a buoyant energetic and confident squad. The Mariners have a regular hard core squad of twelve or so players whose reliability, dedication week in and week out provide the back bone of this fantastic emerging club. Supporting the core players, the Mariners have a pool of amazing fringe players who play whenever they are available. This season’s statistics read – played six won six! Top of the league! A most impressive opening campaign to the season. However, there is no luck attributed to these results. Lymington Mariners have made significant strides in their commitment to Training sessions (Wednesdays 6.45 pm at Woodside). Their development as individual players, unit players and team members has been astounding yet not a surprise. Every player in the squad has now reached beyond being a competent player. Every player in the squad is rapidly developing a vast array of knowledge, skill, and understanding of playing rugby at an advanced level. At previous outings, the Mariners have tended to start games slowly. As a squad, this issue has been a focus and at Portsmouth the pre-match crescendo build up worked its magic for a high impact start with a try scored in the first minute, directly from the kick off. In the first forty minutes, Mariners notched up twelve tries (yes, 12 tries!) of which eleven were converted by our latest trusty goal kicker, Gareth Evans. Half time score – 82 – 0 In every phase of play, Mariners were totally dominant. All season the Mariners have been bullying the scrummages, namely through the relentless grafting and skill from Tim Henman, Stuart Harvey and Adam Harris. In open attacking play, Tom Crisell continues to express his aptitude for dynamic flowing elegance when running effortlessly through defences with ball in hand. The key to Lymington’s success was not the capitulation of the opposition, far from it – Portsmouth, to their credit stuck to their task throughout the game. It was the Mariner’s tenacity and high quality support play that resulted at half time with scores from Tom Crisell (3), Marc Jonker (2), Tim Hinman (2), Ben Rodway (2), Matt Toms, Phil Jenner and Mike (BW). The most competent young referee proposed uncontested scrums for the second half to prevent any unnecessary injuries caused by Lymington’s dominance. This inconvenienced Lymington’s rapid progress towards a double century of points but it did provide for a slightly more equal contest with Portsmouth desperately attempting to put a score on the board. Nevertheless, the Mariners managed to score forty six points in the second half with more tries from Tom Crisell, Phil Jenner, Mikey Jenner, Mike (BW), and a brace from Nick Bubb. Lymington Mariners are making rapid progress on the training pitch that is being exposed and expressed on Saturdays. They are becoming a very well balanced and co-ordinated team with work horses, tacticians, defensive dynamos, strike runners, utility players, impact players and flair stars. Maybe, Mariner players reading this report may wish to reflect on their own role in the team and in which category where they feel most closely associated. The ‘player of the match’ is awarded to Gareth Evans for his outstanding contribution with his golden boot. A Coach’s delight would be to have Matt Toms available throughout the season – what a player! Congratulations to Ross Sampson on his debut senior game of rugby. Next week there is no fixture. It is therefore all the more vital that we have a good turn out this Wednesday at Training to ensure all players keep the momentum going forward.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:41:57 +0000

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