LYRAN The Lyrans were the original ancestors of our galactic - TopicsExpress


LYRAN The Lyrans were the original ancestors of our galactic family. Many thousands of years ago their civilization reached a very high technological level, however fell into disagreement and factions within their culture. These factions went to war and destroyed much of their society. Many of these beings from Lyra (click image right), left in their star ships to colonize the Pleiades, the Hyades, and the Vega system. Some of these Pleiadians of Lyrian ancestors also came to Earth during the Lemurians and Atlanteans period. The Lyrians now have long evolved past the conflict, or war-like stage of evolution. These other civilizations could be looked at as our galactic cousins. As the original human inhabitants of Lyra (who have a common origin with Terran humanoids) were driven out of that system many thousands of years ago, some of the present day inhabitants of the ’Lyra’ constellation are be of reptiloid descent. During the Lyran wars which are mentioned in several ’contactee’ accounts, a mass exodus’ of humans reportedly left the system and escaped to the Pleiades, the Hyades [which are 130 light-years from earth in the Taurus constellation], and to Vega which is also in Lyra. This region, like our own system, is still be a ’battleground’ between saurian greys and humans. MARTIANS Inhabitants of the planet Mars, both human and non-human, including the alleged inhabitants of the two Martian ’moons’ (which many believe to be artificially-hollowed asteroids, one of which - Phobos - is said to be under the control of the "original" Greys, or self-reproducing Greys which are the "hosts" for the Grey "clones" which operate from various space stations that are disguised as planetoids. (It is from these "carrier" ships that the abduction, implantation, programming, mutilation, infiltration and other projects are carried out against planet earth). It has also been suggested that thousands of years ago the surface of LUNA and MARS were much more ’habitable’, that the surfaces of these bodies may have been decimated after passing through the asteroid belt or an ’asteroid storm’ (consisting of debris which ’may’ have been torn from a planet which apparently existed between Mars and Jupiter at one time -- possibly destroyed by a close encounter with another planetary body in the tradition of Velikovsky’s theories). It is believed that ancient ’ruins’, possibly thousands of years old, have been seen on both ’planets’ and that these attest to such a cataclysm. MIB’S Also referred to as the ’Men In Black’ or ’Horlocks’. These are apparently in many cases humans who are controlled by draconian influences, although other ’MIB’ have been encountered which do not seem human, but more reptilian OR synthetic. The ’MIB’ have been encountered often after UFO sightings, usually intimidating witnesses into keeping silent about what they’ve seen (many of the witnesses may be ’abductees’ with suppressed memories of the event). Their ’threats’ appear to be motivated by attempts to utilize ’terrorism’, ’fear’ or ’intimidation’ as a psychological weapon against witnesses. This ’weapon’ may not only be used to keep the human ’MIB’ under control, but by the human MIB’s themselves. ’They’ are often, though not always, seen in connection with large, black automobiles, some of which have been seen disappearing into mountains -- as in the case of one basing area between Hopland and Lakeport, California -- canyons or tunnels or in some cases apparently appear out of or disappear (cloak?) into thin air. Most humanoid MIB have probably been implanted by the Draconians and are essentially their ’slaves’. Bio-synthetic forms possessed by ’infernals’ also seem to play a part in the MIB scenario, as do subterranean and exterran societies. Sirius, at only 9+ light years away, has been identified as a major exterran MIB center of activity, with a subterran counterpart existing in ancient antediluvian ’Atlantean’ underground complexes which have been ’re-established’ beneath the Eastern U.S. seaboard. LYRAN The Lyrans were the original ancestors of our galactic family. Many thousands of years ago their civilization reached a very high technological level, however fell into disagreement and factions within their culture. These factions went to war and destroyed much of their society. Many of these beings from Lyra (click image right), left in their star ships to colonize the Pleiades, the Hyades, and the Vega system. Some of these Pleiadians of Lyrian ancestors also came to Earth during the Lemurians and Atlanteans period. The Lyrians now have long evolved past the conflict, or war-like stage of evolution. These other civilizations could be looked at as our galactic cousins. As the original human inhabitants of Lyra (who have a common origin with Terran humanoids) were driven out of that system many thousands of years ago, some of the present day inhabitants of the ’Lyra’ constellation are be of reptiloid descent. During the Lyran wars which are mentioned in several ’contactee’ accounts, a mass exodus’ of humans reportedly left the system and escaped to the Pleiades, the Hyades [which are 130 light-years from earth in the Taurus constellation], and to Vega which is also in Lyra. This region, like our own system, is still be a ’battleground’ between saurian greys and humans. MARTIANS Inhabitants of the planet Mars, both human and non-human, including the alleged inhabitants of the two Martian ’moons’ (which many believe to be artificially-hollowed asteroids, one of which - Phobos - is said to be under the control of the "original" Greys, or self-reproducing Greys which are the "hosts" for the Grey "clones" which operate from various space stations that are disguised as planetoids. (It is from these "carrier" ships that the abduction, implantation, programming, mutilation, infiltration and other projects are carried out against planet earth). It has also been suggested that thousands of years ago the surface of LUNA and MARS were much more ’habitable’, that the surfaces of these bodies may have been decimated after passing through the asteroid belt or an ’asteroid storm’ (consisting of debris which ’may’ have been torn from a planet which apparently existed between Mars and Jupiter at one time -- possibly destroyed by a close encounter with another planetary body in the tradition of Velikovsky’s theories). It is believed that ancient ’ruins’, possibly thousands of years old, have been seen on both ’planets’ and that these attest to such a cataclysm. MIB’S Also referred to as the ’Men In Black’ or ’Horlocks’. These are apparently in many cases humans who are controlled by draconian influences, although other ’MIB’ have been encountered which do not seem human, but more reptilian OR synthetic. The ’MIB’ have been encountered often after UFO sightings, usually intimidating witnesses into keeping silent about what they’ve seen (many of the witnesses may be ’abductees’ with suppressed memories of the event). Their ’threats’ appear to be motivated by attempts to utilize ’terrorism’, ’fear’ or ’intimidation’ as a psychological weapon against witnesses. This ’weapon’ may not only be used to keep the human ’MIB’ under control, but by the human MIB’s themselves. ’They’ are often, though not always, seen in connection with large, black automobiles, some of which have been seen disappearing into mountains -- as in the case of one basing area between Hopland and Lakeport, California -- canyons or tunnels or in some cases apparently appear out of or disappear (cloak?) into thin air. Most humanoid MIB have probably been implanted by the Draconians and are essentially their ’slaves’. Bio-synthetic forms possessed by ’infernals’ also seem to play a part in the MIB scenario, as do subterranean and exterran societies. Sirius, at only 9+ light years away, has been identified as a major exterran MIB center of activity, with a subterran counterpart existing in ancient antediluvian ’Atlantean’ underground complexes which have been ’re-established’ beneath the Eastern U.S. seaboard.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 21:18:19 +0000

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