La Ilaha Illa Allah does NOT mean There is no God but Allah La - TopicsExpress


La Ilaha Illa Allah does NOT mean There is no God but Allah La Ilaha Illa Allah does NOT mean There is no God but Allah The correct English interpretation of La Ilaha Illa Allah Bism Allah, wa as-salaatu wa as-salaamu ala rasool Allah[SAAWS] I find it hard to explain this matter because when I started submitting to Allah -Azz Wa Jall- I thought that the word of Tawheed La Ilaha Illa Allah means that there is no Creator, Sustainer, etc... but Allah, but this isnt the true meaning of Kalimatul Tawheed. This fact was shocking to me since I can speak Arabic and Im from Muslim parents, and I struggled for many days trying to understand this till Allah -Subuhana wa Taalaa- granted me understanding of this strict matter. I was very ashamed that Abu Jahl (The head of the Kaffirs during the time of the prophet[SAAWS]) knew the meaning of Kalimatul Tawheed more than I did, but I was glad that I obeyed and he didnt. Im not going to explain the entire meaning of Kalimatul Tawheed but I just want to make a quick reminder to those who fall into this mistake while interpreting this valuable word into other languages than Arabic. Even though many native Arabic speakers fail to explain Ar-rukn Ar-rakeen (La Ilaha Illa Allah) in ARABIC to other ARABIC native speakers falling into the same mistake that Ill in-shaAllah talk about in the following lines. Many times I find people translating La Ilaha Illa Allah/Ashahadu Ana La Ilaha Illah Allah as I bear witness that there is no God but Allah or I testify that there is no God but Allah which is WRONG. I know that many of you are wondering where am I bringing this from. Id tell you my proofs and from which books I understood this matter Alhamdulillah. As I said, I understood this when I started submitting to Allah -Azz wa Jall- after living many years not understanding what does la Ilaha Illa Allah really mean, and again! I wont be talking about what does it mean more than what is its CORRECT interpretation. Our beloved sheikh, the noble sheikh Ibn Al-uthaymeen -Rahimahu Allah- explained this in details while he was teaching Kashf Ash-shubuhat, Al-qawl Al-mufeed Alaa Kitaab At-tawheed, and in many other various places. Same as Sheikhul-Islam Ibn Bazz, Al-Albaanee, Ibn Taimiyyah, etc... -Rahimahum Allah Jameean-. Summerzing what Ive learned from my sheikhs and other sheikhs of this great Deen, if La Ilaha Illa Allah was interpreted as There is no God but Allah then this is verily a false statement since, Christians worshiped Issa[SAAWS], Jews worshiped Musa[SAAWS], many worshiped the outward appearance, idols, stones, people etc... These people took whom were mentioned above as GODS so this basically mean there were Gods beside Allah, BUT they werent true Gods. From this we can conclude as the Ulama stated that La Ilaha Illa Allah mean There is no TRUE God but Allah/I testify that there is no TRUE God but Allah Or as we say in Arabic لا معبُودَ بحقٍ إلا الله او لا معبُودَ حقٌ إلا الله As Allah says in the Qruan: That is because Allah, He is the True, and that whereon they call instead of Him, it is the false/ذَٲلِكَ بِأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ هُوَ ٱلۡحَقُّ وَأَنَّ مَا يَدۡعُونَ مِن دُونِهِۦ هُوَ ٱلۡبَـٰطِلُ 22:62 I know a lot of people would say, That doesnt matter. It actually matters, because when someone is explaining La Ilaha Illah Allah they have to come across two main things, which are Manaaha wa muqtadaha Its meaning and duties. If the meaning isnt correct then verily the duties thatll be held upon that meaning wont be correct either. Thats why we find many Muslims committing shirk unconsciously of what does Kalimatul Tawheed means, because if they knew what does it mean and what is held upon it then they wont commit shirk. Im only writing this as a quick reminder and Id love if many brothers and sisters bothered themselves studying Tawheed instead of any other Islamic studies. There is Salaah, Zakkaat, Hajj, Sadaqah, Jihad, anything isnt accepted if you havent established correct Tawheed. This small phrase La Ilaha Illa Allah is what can make a person survive from a permanent torture in hell fire -aadhana Allahu minha-. If I erred verily its from me and the shaitan(Satan) and if I was correct then verily its from Allah alone. Wa Salla Allahu Alaa Nabiyena Muhammad wa alaa alihi wa sahbihi wasallaam. Im flexible for any question concerning what I wrote in-shaAllah
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 06:20:48 +0000

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