La Jolla Seal update and another CALL FOR ACTION: For any of - TopicsExpress


La Jolla Seal update and another CALL FOR ACTION: For any of you seal lovers out there involved or interested in the ongoing saga of the La Jolla beach seal situation, were posting Robb Meads fantastic reporting and updates about the situation here for all to see... Theres yet another call for action to help them too, coming up this Tuesday, so if youre local, please attend... Read all the details below: For those planning to attend the City Council meeting, heres the details. Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Location: City Administration Building City Council Chamber 12th floor 202 C Streeet San Diego, CA 92101 Time: Please plan to arrive between 9:30-9:45am. The meeting starts at 10:00am. Parking: The City Administration Building has a parking structure and there are other lots nearby. Please plan accordingly to arrive by 9:45. Important: We are asking supporters NOT to submit a speakers card when you arrive. Please take a card and fill it out if you plan to speak or cede your time to others and give it to me or Jane Reldan. Please do NOT submit it to any City employee. Well explain everything when you arrive. The beach closure issue should be addressed by the Council in the morning session since its a carry-over from the last meeting. However, things dont always go as planned and it may not be handled until the afternoon (2pm) session so please be prepared for this possibility. With every step in this process were getting closer to making this a reality and were almost there!!! Thank you for your continuing support!! Robb On Mar 12, 2014, at 1:47 AM, Robb Mead wrote: > > Hi All, > > I apologize that this update is late and Im sure most of you know by now that there was a huge victory won for the seals on February 24th. On that day, the San Diego City Council voted 6-3 to approve the annual beach closure during the winter pupping season from Dec 15th to May 15th. Even though there was a 2/3 vote in our favor, Councilmembers Sherri Lightner and Scott Sherman did their best to derail the proceedings. The third anti-seal vote was from Mark Kersey. The most important thing to know though is that the hero of the day was Councilwoman Marti Emerald. She put forward the motion for the winter closure and brilliantly stopped any devious efforts to change it. Marti Emerald truly deserves our appreciation and applause as well as the other 5 councilmembers who voted to protect the seals!! Their names are listed below. > > Now for some news of concern. > > After the Council approved it, the next step for them was to vote to approve the city ordinance that would enforce the seasonal closure. This is called a 2nd reading and was scheduled to take place yesterday and is normally considered to be a formality. Without getting too deep into the political details, there needs to be 5 votes in favor or 5 against. The opposition had 3 and we had 5 until one councilmember became ill and had to go to the ER before the vote. This left everything at an impasse so now the 2nd reading has been postponed until March 18th. > > This is where we need your help. We need to rally people again and show strong support for the seasonal closure!! We didnt ask for this support for yesterday because as I mentioned, this is typically a formality and we dont want people to waste their efforts on proceedings that shouldnt require strong support. Things have changed and we need your strong support on March 18th!!! > > I dont have the exact time of the vote on the 18th yet so I will send another email within the next few days with all the details and location. Please make every effort you can to attend on the 18th! > > Whats in the future? > If we can get pass this obstacle on March 18th, then the next step is the California Coastal Commission. We believe the CCC will approve the seasonal closure because the City has followed their instructions on how to do it and nothing has changed. The CCC is not scheduled to have this item on their agenda until August so thats the earliest the final approval can take place. > > Final comments. > I know many are frustrated because of this long drawn out process. Believe me-we all know this too well !!! But keep motivated because great progress has been made and it keeps MOVING FORWARD! Also, its critically important to look at the long term. Even though it has taken many years, countless hearings, petitions, public comments, lawsuits, etc you can take heart in knowing that the necessary legal procedures are taking place and there hasnt been any dangerous shortcuts. The anti-seal thugs have vowed that lawsuits are coming so if shortcuts were taken, it would place the seasonal closure in jeopardy when the legal arguments are made. As it stands now, its on solid ground and should withstand any challenge. > > Heres the Councilmembers who voted in favor of the seals on Feb 24th. Please send them a positive Thank You email. It will mean a lot. > > Marti Emerald [email protected] > > Todd Gloria [email protected] (Council President) > > Kevin Faulconer [email protected] (Kevin Faulconer voted for the seals on the 24th and is now the Mayor and no longer on the Council) > > David Alvarez [email protected] > > Myrtle Cole [email protected] > > Lorie Zapf [email protected] > > > Ill send details about the 18th soon. > > Great news! As of Sunday there were 54 newborn seals on the beach and a few more are on the way (2 born on Sunday and one the night before). The last seal will probably be born at the end of March or in early April. Dont miss out! > > > Thanks, > Robb
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:06:33 +0000

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