Label me what you will, film buff, movie nut, feature - TopicsExpress


Label me what you will, film buff, movie nut, feature enthusiast, film aficionado, reel snob, flick freak, fan (of the) cinema, cinema supporter, concession-stand critic, Celuloyalist, multiplex mole-rat, whatever the moniker, I love movies, from every decade (1920s to the present) and every genre (comedy, drama, Sci-Fi, war stories, westerns, animated to documentaries and everything in between. From big budget blockbusters to the micro-budget, independent, art house, foreign films. Though there are 50 chit-ematic duds for every 1 decent film, for which Ill give it a nod of support. Be it mediocre to magnificent, from Mulan to Midnight Cowboy, I love it all. So, with that in mind, I am asked periodically, what is my favorite movie of all time? Personally, I dont know how a lover of the movie, can single out one, specific film above the millions of titles of over the past hundred years or so of motion pictures (as I throw in the disclaimers; apples and oranges, which of my children do I favor one from another, etc.), as an honest, objective selection would be daunting. So, if I had to pick one film as being my favorite movie of all time (this declaration of choice seems to always stem from the If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only choose one movie..., volleyed question. To which my first impulse is to ask for clarification before I reveal my decided title of choice, So, this desert island has a screening room? I mean, with electricity, film projector or flat-screen monitor with built-in DVD player?, Seems that inquiring of that kind of detail is perceived as belligerent, hair-splitting, but I like my supposed, hypothetical fantasy with a bit of peppering and seasoned with reality, go figure. Also, if I have to choose just one film, maybe it should be one I have never seen before and improve my chances for survival and select a documentary entitled, Found & Rescued!: How to be discovered and air-lifted off a desert island in 24 hours or less. Off the cuff, a reality based docu-drama of thar variety would be my REAL choice. Which brings me to the selection and the answer to the question I am often asked about my favorite film of all time if I had to choose. If I HAD to pick, that movie, my favorite would be the 1963 Robert Wise film, The Haunting. In the event of someone desiring clarification; the 1999 remake (reboot, re-imagined, regurgitated, etc. however you want to define it) film of the same title is never to be mentioned in the same stratosphere. Nor, shall it be refer to, discussed, measured up against, compared, merits perceived, similarities/differences complied-reviewed-relayed or noted. The matter of the 1999 title is CLOSED. On behalf of the original, 1963 Robert Wise, masterpiece, the reason, details and substantiation of my choice will follow shortly and be posted soon. Your personal thoughts, anyone?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:38:59 +0000

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