Labour Party leadership send email with links. One asks for my - TopicsExpress


Labour Party leadership send email with links. One asks for my donation (I already donate to help campaigns in marginal seats, and contribute financially through membership fees and affiliation through Unite) but only if I oppose independence for Scotland. The other link asks for my thoughts. Here they are... Im disappointed that the partys leadership have taken a position on this question. As a member, I have not been consulted. You say youd love to hear more of my thoughts - I doubt it. If you did, you would have put the issue on the ballot paper sent out for the NEC CLP representatives. Am I wrong? Despite winning on a platform which included increasing democracy in the party, the leadership has not sought to win the support of the membership through a vote - one member, one vote. For example, this nonsense about responsible capitalism - it doesnt say that on my party card, it says the party is for democratic socialism. Have the rules changed? If so, why hasnt there been a vote. My union is affiliated to the party and I donate through the political fund for a party to represent working people, not capitalists. Has my union been consulted? Ive been disgusted to see supposedly Labour politicians campaigning alongside Tories in an effort to get voters to reject the constitutional revolution independence would unleash. The Tories have always opposed devolving power - they have always opposed reform to end the disproportionate voting system and corrupt unelected House of Lords. As Chancellor, Alistair Darling promised cuts worse than Thatcher before the UK election, now he campaigns with the Thatcherites against those who want to end the attacks on incomes and services. Voters often say youre all the same. Boy, does this prove them right! It looks like a cosy consensus against radical change. It is very dangerous for Labour to continue positioning itself as close to the Tories if Scotland does become an independent state - in such circumstances how could the Scottish Labour Party credibly campaign in elections for Holyrood having rejected independence? How could the Scottish Labour Party credibly campaign for representation in a constitutional assembly having opposed the creation of a new state? Labour should be campaigning for a democratic socialist Scotland, whatever the outcome of the election. This should be our position in legislative bodies in England, in Wales, in Europe - arguing for a system which is democratically-controlled by the wealth creators, working people, not by those who merely accumulate wealth and power through the absence of democratic representation in the boardrooms of the banks and big businesses.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:16:09 +0000

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