Labour face battle to save heartlands from SNP surge Monday 13 - TopicsExpress


Labour face battle to save heartlands from SNP surge Monday 13 October 2014 SCOTTISH Labour are facing a huge challenge in their traditional heartlands as new figures reveal a massive surge in SNP support in the west of Scotland. While membership of the SNP had risen more than threefold from 25,652 to more than 80,000 by the end of last week, Glasgow had a near five-fold rise and Motherwell and Coatbridge had extraordinary six-fold increases. In the fortnight after the referendum vote, SNP staff struggled to cope with the huge rise in membership applications. Only now is a picture emerging of where the surge is concentrated. What it shows will set off alarm bells in Labour as the increases are far greater in their areas of traditional support. Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont is already under pressure after Yes scored referendum successes in traditional Labour-supporting areas, especially in the west of Scotland. The only four areas to vote Yes on September 18 were Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, West Dunbartonshire and Dundee. SNP business convener Derek Mackay said: Johann Lamont and the Labour Partys position in Scotland is growing increasingly precarious. The referendum unleashed a new spirit of democratic engagement and participation among the people of Scotland, and these people simply wont accept the same old politics as usual from Westminster. As recently as 1998, Labour had almost 31,000 members in Scotland but 10 years later this had fallen to around 17,000 and the party stopped reporting figures. It is now believed to have dropped to below 13,000 and the SNP surge may well hasten that decline. A Scottish Labour spokesman said: We believe our aim of working in partnership to create a fairer, more equal country is a message for all of Scotland, not just traditional heartlands, as the SNP describe it. We dont presume support in any part of the country and we will work to win support for our vision all over Scotland. But there was further evidence of a sense of dissatisfaction within Labour over the weekend with the announcement of a new internal pressure group. It calls for the party to become more autonomous, perhaps under the historic name of the Independent Labour Party, campaigning for a radical agenda for home rule in the 21st century and pledging never again to work alongside the Tories. Labour have dismissed the move, pointing out that one of those behind it, former spin-doctor Andrew McFadyen, was rejected in a bid to stand as a candidate. Mr Mackay claimed the SNPs progress will further fuel alarm in Labour ranks. He said: These figures are extremely encouraging, showing the SNP is enjoying a big rise in membership all over Scotland. To show such big increases in areas such as Glasgow and Lanarkshire is very gratifying. Scottish Labour made a mistake when they joined the Tory-led No campaign and repeated every scare story and every bit of Tory negativity during the campaign. He added: With this growth in membership, the SNP are in an extremely strong position to hold the Westminster parties to account on their vow of substantially more powers for Scotland - as by far the third biggest party in the UK, and with more and more support in traditional Labour heartlands. But the more than trebling of SNP members could bring tension and in-fighting during candidate selection for the next Holyrood election with the more conservative wing fearing that a wave of largely left-wing incomers could see sitting MSPs and even ministers fighting for their survival. Meanwhile. the Scottish Greens also saw a three-fold upsurge in membership in recent weeks, taking it to 6300 card-carriers, creating a party which co-convener Patrick Harvie described as full of new energy, enthusiasm and talent. At their party conference at the weekend, which had to be moved to a bigger venue, he told delegates: Its hard to overstate how much of a moment this is. Comments iain Lawson, Paisley The reported tensions are unlikely to develop and this sounds more like hopeful desperation from the SNPs opponents whose narrow self interest now leaves them very badly exposed to retribution from their many supporters who were disgusted by their actions and have rejected any possibility of forgiving and forgetting and are now actively engaged in ensuring the maximum penalty is enforced. It wont be just in the West of Scotland either. There are already growing numbers of folk who voted No who are shocked at what has been happening since the referendum and are increasingly disillusioned by the Westminister parties. John Jamieson iain Lawson, Paisley The Better Together Group in Scotland has been in denial since 2007 when the SNP became the largest party in Holyrood. They ignored this on the basis that it was a temporary glitch in the Westminster imposed DHondt voting system and order would return at the next election. Scots soon got the idea that the SNP made a better government than the others and produced an impossible overall SNP majority at the next election. Scotlands Better Together parties will never learn as they are not genetically programmed by their bosses at Westminster to make political decisions.. Andrew McMillan, Scotland I believe that if the vow , the promise of more devolved powers soon, is not kept, the people of Scotland will vote SNP in very large numbers in the general election in about 6 months time. The lord and his friends better get their finger out.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:09:45 +0000

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