Labours Double Dealings and Hypocrisy. Broadcaster and - TopicsExpress


Labours Double Dealings and Hypocrisy. Broadcaster and journalist Derek Batemans latest blog highlights Tony Blairs Labour government double-dealings with Libya while exposing Blairite, Jim Murphy (Scottish Labours new leader) of withholding vital information from his colleague Iain Gray, Scottish Labour leader (2008-2011) during the globally publicised Abdelbaset al-Megrahi release of 2009. Jim Murphy was Labours Scottish Secretary in London (2008-2010). Bateman utilises two Guardian links to qualify his argument: Last Thursdays Guardian headlines with, Cooperation between British spies and Gaddafi’s Libya revealed in official papers. - Links between MI5 and Gaddafi’s intelligence during Tony Blair’s government more extensive than previously thought, according to documents theguardian/uk-news/2015/jan/22/cooperation-british-spies-gaddafi-libya-revealed-official-papers?CMP=share_btn_link In a Guardian link from 2011, Labour government did all it could to secure release of Lockerbie bomber - Sir Gus ODonnell says policy was to facilitate Libyan appeal over Abdelbaset al-Megrahi theguardian/politics/2011/feb/07/labour-government-lockerbie-bomber-release Both articles imply that Labour in Westminster worked behind the scenes for Megrahis release yet they were prepared to let Scottish Labour in Edinburgh condemn the SNP government for actually releasing him. Classic case of sacrificing the pawn. Yet Jim Murphy is now one of those pawns........only he hasnt realised it yet! The British establishment truly is a vile pit of deceit! Read the full Bateman blog below:
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 20:23:18 +0000

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