Labs have come back and electrolytes look like they are - TopicsExpress


Labs have come back and electrolytes look like they are good...waiting on confirmation blood test. Elliot is also back on 25cc into his G (probably up to 28 or 30 at this point) and 15 on his J. All meds are being transferred from IV to syringe and it looks like we will be able to either put all meds in his breast milk or via G-tube leaving the J-tube alone for just the remaining feeds to ensure that Elliot get all his nutrition. This is very good news as we will effectively reduce the chance of his J-tube clogging again since it will be solely dedicated to breast milk. Jennifer, if I know her well and I do, will more than likely push the envelope close within the week if not shorter with the feeds to the J and go solely G very soon. If and when we can do this and prove that we no longer need the J will go in for the appt to remove the J part which is bed side procedure. The blessings and miracles that surround our little boy is fantastic. He continues to show such tenacity and grace for all he goes through...he is our angel...heck we have two!!! We are formulating Elliots drug plan, therapy plan, O2 wean plan, and more today (mostly Jennifer since I am stuck at work...) and since he is doing well will say that he will be sedation free by end of July early August! No more Methadone, Valium or Clonidine! We have been able to tackle a lot this past weekend and looking forward to getting him home and back on track with his therapy and continue shedding continual love upon him. I/we cant wait!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:47:04 +0000

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