Lackadaisical attitude of officials working in the concern - TopicsExpress


Lackadaisical attitude of officials working in the concern department brings pitfalls in the tourism industry of the state: GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA TOURISM DEPARTMENT No. Tourism.92/2010/81 Dated Shillong the 20th Jan 2012 The Governor of Meghalaya is pleased to notify the “Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012” with effect from the date of issue of this notification. Sd/‐ S.M. Pathaw Under Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya Tourism Department Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012 ITEMS DESCRIPTION Chapter I Description of the Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme Chapter II Specification of the infrastructure Chapter III Instruction to entrepreneurs for the incentive scheme Chapter IV Minimum standards to be maintained in the created facility Format I Application Format II Affidavit Format III A Pre Inspection Report Format III B Joint Pre Inspection Format IV Utilization Certificate CHAPTER I DESCRIPTION OF THE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION SCHEME Assistance for creation of tourism infrastructure in the form of homestays and resorts. 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE INFRASTUCTURES LISTED FOR DEVELOPMENT Homestays Homestays are private houses providing accommodation to tourists with bed and breakfast. Provision of affordable accommodation to tourists in private houses with basic amenities would help in bridging the gap in the shortage of accommodation in the State during the tourist season. These homestays can be either addition to existing homestays or new units. To encourage public participation in the tourism sector, homestay accommodation would be given an incentive as follows :- 1. Assistance of 30% of the project cost limiting the project cost to a maximum of Rs 16.00 Lakhs 2. The maximum number of rooms that can be constructed under this scheme will be limited to 4 ( four) rooms 3. Each room should necessarily be having a minimum area of approximately 15 sq m 4. Each room should consist of a bedroom and an attached toilet with modern fittings and a walk in closet. 5. Entrepreneur’s contribution would amount to 2% of the project cost • Resorts Provision of affordable accommodation to tourists at various destinations in the form of cottages which are aesthetically and eco-friendly designed, taking into consideration the natural landscape of the area. These accommodation facilities should necessarily be reliable, safe and clean. They should be preferably built beyond Shillong to encourage tourists to stay at destinations listed for development which can in turn create an income transfer and job creation opportunity at the locations. To encourage private participation in construction of such resorts incentive would be given to entrepreneurs as follows :- 1. Assistance of 30% of the project cost limiting the project cost to Rs 1.00 Crores 2. The resorts should consist of minimum 10 ( ten) numbers of rooms 3. Each Cottage should have a minimum plinth area of 24 sq m 4. Should have spaces for central reception area with lobby, restaurant, kitchen etc having a built up area of 240 sq m approximately. 5. Entrepreneur’s contribution would amount to 2% of the project cost 2. ELIGIBILITY The cost of the project should be within Rs 16.00 Lakhs for homestays and within Rs 100.00 Lakhs for resorts. In case the project cost is above Rs 16.00 Lakhs for homestays and above Rs 100.00 Lakhs for resorts the assistance would be limited to 30% of the amount of Rs 16.00 Lakhs for homestays and 30% of the amount of Rs 100.00 Lakhs for resorts. The entrepreneur should own the land for the project in case of Resorts and should be the owner of the property with built up house in case of homestays. The project should be completed within a period of 18 ( eighteen) months from the date of disbursement of the incentive for Resort and within a period of 12(twelve) months in case of homestays. The scheme is available only for units set up on or after the date of notification of the incentive scheme. The entrepreneur will have to follow the Minimum Wage policy of the Government. 3. COMMENCEMENT The scheme“Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012” will commence from the date of issue of the notification. Government reserves the right to make any amendments to the scheme from time to time. 4. DISBURSEMENT OF INCENTIVE Disbursement of State Govt. incentives will be done through the Directorate of Tourism directly to the financial institution providing the loan for the project. 5. SAFEGUARDS Entrepreneurs eligible for the incentive scheme would have to register with the Tourism Department and sign a formal Agreement before disbursement of the Assistance to the Bank/ Financial Institution approving the Loan for the Project. The Agreement would be an undertaking that the infrastructure created through this incentive is not misutilised for other purposes and in case it is misutilised the punitive actions to be taken to recover the incentive. The same has been broadly illustrated below :- The incentive would be utilised only for the purposes of creation of infrastructure in the form of Homestays/Resorts to accommodate tourists. The procedure to establish that the incentive has been utilised for the purpose provided and operating would be ascertained through inspections carried out on regular intervals and also ascertaining and verifying the tourist statistic records which are to be submitted to the Directorate of Tourism on a monthly basis. At any point of time if the Homestay accommodation so created is misutilised the incentive will be recovered from the entrepreneur through legal procedures. The entrepreneur established to have misutilised the incentive would be barred from availing any further or future incentive or benefit from the Government. 6. COST OF APPLICATION & SCHEME BROCHURE Cost of Application Form & Scheme Brochure is Rs 5000/- This amount is non refundable. The amount is to be deposited in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director Tourism, Meghalaya, Shillong. CHAPTER II SPECIFICATION OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE HOMESTAYS Constructing a maximum number of 4 ( four) additional rooms or new rooms, each room having an area of approximately 15 sq m necessarily consisting of a bedroom and attached toilet with modern fittings and a walk-in closet limiting the project cost to Rs 16.00 Lakhs. The specifications of the construction should be as follows :- Meghalaya Assam type construction RCC framed building with CGI sheet roofing with high specifications. Bathroom fittings should be of branded company with ISI mark. Water closet, cistern, basin etc should be of porcelain and bib cocks, towel rails, soap trays etc should be chrome plated. There should be provision of solid waste management with incinerators and rain water harvesting Or RCC framed type construction with RCC roof with high specifications (i) Plastic paint to interior walls including providing marble flooring to 25% of floor area (ii) Provision of anodised aluminium/wooden doors and windows (iii)Provision of weather shield exterior wall finish (iv)Bathroom fittings should be of branded company with ISI mark. Water closet, cistern, basin etc should be of porcelain and bib cocks, towel rails, soap trays etc should be chrome plated. (v) Provision of solid waste management with incinerators and rain water harvesting The time for construction is considered at 12(twelve) months The rate for construction considered is Rs 16666.00 per sqm Breakup of rate for construction considered (i) Construction rate for RCC framed building – Rs 13532/- (ii)Plastic paint to interior and marble flooring – Rs 856/- (iii)Anodised aluminium/wooden doors and windows - Rs 827/- (iv)Weather shield exterior wall finish - Rs 100/- (v)Modern bathroom fittings - Rs 1351/- Rs 16666/- Cost of the project Particulars Amount Building cost 10.00 Plant and Equipment( Kitchen equipment, cutlery & crockery) 3.50 Preoperative Expenditure (Registration fees, start up expenses etc) 2.00 Contingency provision 0.50 16.00 MEANS OF FINANCE Entrepreneurs contribution 2% 0.32 Term loan 10.88 Assistance 4.80 16.00 RESORTS Construction of Resort limiting the project cost to Rs 100.00 Lakhs having 10 numbers of rooms in the form of cottages with plinth area of 24 sq m for each cottage and with a central reception area including a lobby, restaurant, kitchen etc having a built up area of 240 sq m . The specifications of the construction should be as follows :- Meghalaya Assam type construction RCC framed building with CGI sheet roofing with high specification. Bathroom fittings should be of branded company with ISI mark. Water closet, cistern, basin etc should be of porcelain and bib cocks, towel rails, soap trays etc should be chrome plated. There should be provision of solid waste management with incinerators and rain water harvesting Or RCC framed type construction with RCC roof with high specifications (i) Plastic paint to interior walls including providing marble flooring to 25% of floor area (ii) Provision of anodised aluminium/wooden doors and windows (iii)Provision of weather shield exterior wall finish (iv)Bathroom fittings should be of branded company with ISI mark. Water closet, cistern, basin etc should be of porcelain and bib cocks, towel rails, soap trays etc should be chrome plated. (v) Provision of solid waste management with incinerators and rain water harvesting Cost of the project Particulars Amount Building cost 80.00 Plant and Equipment 15.00 Preoperative Expenditure (Registration fees, start up expenses etc) 4.00 Contingency provision 1.00 100.00 MEANS OF FINANCE Entrepreneurs contribution 2% 2.00 Term loan 68.00 Assistance 30.00 100.00 The time for construction is considered at 18(eighteen) months The rate for construction considered is Rs 16666.00 per sqm Breakup of rate for construction considered (i)Construction rate for RCC framed building – Rs 13532/- (ii)Plastic paint to interior and marble flooring – Rs 856/- (iii)Anodised aluminium/wooden doors and windows - Rs 827/- (iv)Weather shield exterior wall finish - Rs 100/- (v)Modern bathroom fittings - Rs 1351/- Rs 16666/- CHAPTER III INSTRUCTIONS TO ENTREPRENEURS FOR THE INCENTIVE SCHEME “ Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012”. 1. Documents to be enclosed along with application form Format I a. Identity and existence of Applicant b. Copy of record of right over the project land. c. Affidavit in enclosed format II d. Prescribed cost of application form and scheme brochure e. Copy of last submitted income tax return, if any f. A copy of Detailed Project Report submitted to any FI/Bank indicating feasibility of the project g. Letter from FI/Bank that the loan case is under consideration. h. Key map of the project land (free hand sketch) showing lay out of the project and land boundary features, source of water, electricity (if any), existing land use etc. i. NOC for creation of such a facility in that area. 2. Documents scrutiny a. Land area under project indicates the name of applicant and free from any burden such as mortgage to third party, b. Activity proposed is permissible under “ Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012”. c. Key map of project land enclosed with application indicates water and electricity source (if needed), existing structure, and proposed structure. Site map may not be as per scale but it may be a sketch for the purpose of getting an idea of the project land. d. Detailed project report submitted to the FI/ Bank indicating the feasibility of the project and letter from the FI/ Bank indicating that the loan case is under consideration e. Funding institution has valid license. f. The project report should indicate the means of finance to ensure that the project is not proposed to be funded by assistance from two or more schemes. This is to avoid doubling of incentives/assistance for the same project from two or more organizations. g. The project details given in application form and in the project report conform to each other. h. Implementation schedule of the project is within 18(eighteen) months for Resorts and 12( twelve) months for homestays. 3. Inspections Pre inspection ( Format III A) Pre inspection by the Tourism officials of the project site is carried out for the purpose of identification of project land, checking the amounts involved for various components of the project, sources of funding, whether all the components of the project are new etc, Following would be the check list during pre inspection :i)Suitability of site ii) Tourist attraction of the area iii) Source of Electricity and Water supply vi) Existing tourist flow to the area v) Existing accommodation facilities available vi) Key Map vii) Skill level of entrepreneur viii) Detailed project report submitted to the FI/ Bank. Pre joint inspection( Format III B) Pre joint Inspection by Tourism officials and bank officials for assessment of the cost of various components of the project and the project as a whole. Components of projects not included in project proposal submitted by entrepreneur and are not forming part of bank appraisal note is not eligible for incentives. Power to decide Application Committee headed by Director of Tourism with technical personal will screen and make recommendations. The recommendations of the pre inspection and joint inspection will form the basis on which the final recommendation will be made. Disbursement to the banks will be made based on the final recommendation. Post inspection/ Post joint inspection Post inspection/ Post joint inspection by the bank and Tourism officials of the completed project is for the purpose of ensuring that the works executed are as per the original project report at approved project site with all components and satisfactory quality of execution with acceptable standard of workmanship. This should give a pen picture of the project with photographs / video films as per standing instructions of Tourism Department for proof of existence of assets created. Intimation of operation of project and carrying out Inspection / Joint Inspection On completion of credit linked project for which application has been made to the Tourism department, and on commencing operation the entrepreneur will inform the financing institution (FI)/ Bank that the unit is operational. As soon as possible after receipt of the information/documents regarding commencement of operation of the project the Banker and authorized representative of the Tourism Department will carry out post Inspection of the Project along with the entrepreneur, the team will make the spot inspection of the project and submit the Inspection Report duly signed on each page to the Tourism Department. The bank providing the loan would submit a utilisation certificate indicating that the incentive was received from the Tourism Department and has been utilised for the purpose it was sanctioned & released under the Tourism Department’s scheme“ Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012”. The utilisation certificate to be issued by the Bank is at ( Format IV) N.B All inspections will be made in presence of the entrepreneur. CHAPTER IV MINIMUM STANDARDS TO BE MAINTAINED IN THE CREATED FACILITY 1. The staff should be in uniform, well groomed and properly trained. The number of workers should be proportionate to the capacity of the unit in all services provided. These staffs should be trained local residents specialised in the respective fields of operation. The staff should be hospitable and capable to effectively respond to Tourist requirements and should have a fair idea of the places of tourist interest in the State. 2. Crockery for services should be of standard bone china and hotel glass ware. The food and beverage services should be clean and hygienic with proper dish washing areas and storage facilities. 3. Front desk staff should be well versed in English and other regional languages to communicate with tourists from different regions of the country and abroad. The front office should be equipped to ensure the availability of information on places of tourist interest, conducted tours, fairs and festivals etc which would be essential for a tourist 4. A comprehensive list of Do’s and Dont’s should be displayed in all prominent areas and guest compliance to be politely requested for. These Do;s and Dont’s should be as per the requirement of the location and type of facility created. 5. At least one electrician, plumber, sweeper, etc to be available for general service and maintenance on a 24 hrs basis. This is to look after the immediate essential services not being disrupted in case of emergencies affecting the comfort of the tourist during their period of stay. 6. Power back up system is to be provided in the entire facility to provide uninterrupted power supply for all the appliances in the facility. This is essential to overcome any power failure especially in rural areas. 7. Cleanliness of restrooms with required toiletries is to be maintained for the facility. The requirement of water for the facility is to be assessed and accordingly arrangement for the same is to be ensured to the facility. This would enable the facility to be kept clean and hygienic. 8. Provision of well lit, dedicated visitor parking area is to be provided in the facility for parking of tourists vehicles. These areas should be paved and fenced to suit the type of facility. These areas should have security to ensure safety of the vehicles. 9. Provision of solid waste management with incinerators and rain water harvesting should be part of the project. FORMAT I 1) Date of application PHOTO To The Director Tourism Meghalaya, Shillong Application for Assistance under the scheme “Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012”. of Tourism Department, Meghalaya A. PROPRIETOR/ENTREPRENEUR 1. Name :_________________________________ Permanent Address :_________________________________ Postal Address :_________________________________ 2. Category : SC/ST 3. Gender : Male/Female ___________ Age _______ 4. Occupation: 5. Entrepreneur’s profile B. PROPOSED ACTIVITY 1. Name of the Project 2. Location: Village ___________District _________, State ___________ 3. Activity proposed under the project in details: a) Area under project in brief with details of civil works: i. Activities planned ii. Equipments etc. iii. Misc. activities (Not covered above) B.II (a) Whether proposed activity in application is Yes/No completely a new activity (if No, the details of pre existing activity or any component thereof included in the application should be indicated clearly) ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... (b) Whether any assistance has been availed Yes/No for the proposed proposal/activity from Central Govt. or any of its Agencies. (if YES, please indicate clearly in detail) ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... C. PROPOSED PROJECT COST (Component wise) Component/Item (Proposed Cost) (a) Civil Cost (Amount in Rs.) 1) Cost of Building including internal water supply and electrification based on the current schedule of rate for Meghalaya Public Works Department, Buildings. 2) External water supply connection (i) Water connection from PHE (ii)Bore well, Filtration plant etc. (i) Cost of pipeline (length, diameter etc) (ii)Water harvesting (iii) Other expenditure, if any (pl. specify) TOTAL 3) External Electric connection ( MECL) (i) Transformer (ii) External Lighting (iv)Solar Lighting and heating (v) Other expenditure, if any (pl. specify) TOTAL 4) Other Infrastructure (i) Pump House .......................... (ii) Store .......................... (iii)Labour quarter .......................... (iv)Generator room .......................... (v) Other expenditure, if any (pl. specify) .......................... TOTAL 5) Furniture & upholstery .......................... (i) Rooms (ii) Kitchen (iii)Lobby (iv)Other areas TOTAL ....................................... TOTAL OF 1,2,3,4,5 D. PROPOSED MEANS OF FINANCE (i) Entrepreneur’s share .......................... (ii) Bank/FI term loan .......................... (iii)Proposed assistance from other sources, if any .......................... a) Form State Govt. .......................... b) From Central Govt........................... Total ........................... (Note: Unsecured loans from friends/relatives will not be treated as equity) Expected incentive from Tourism Department: Rs. ………………… (Tourism incentives will be considered as per the departments guidelines, if found in order, but not guaranteed) (c) Expected return/income from the proposed project. Detailed project report containing technical feasibility and financial viability from the FI/ Bank should be enclosed along with application .............................................. E. EXISTING STATUS OF PROJECT Please give details about the activities of the proposed project already completed at the time of submission of application ( existing infrastructure) ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... F. Whether any assistance in the form of soft loan and assistance has been availed by the entrepreneur earlier from the Tourism Department or any other Department State or Central? If yes, give details thereof. ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... G. Whether any assistance has been availed from the Tourism Department, other Central Govt. organization or State Govt. for the same activity on same piece of land, etc.? ............................................................................................... H. Name of the Bank/FI from where the term loan is availed/to be availed by the Entrepreneur (Please enclose a copy of the duly filled up term loan Application). a) Name of Bank: ...................................................................................... b) Details of Bank Branch: ……………………………………………….………………… c) Bank Code:………………………………………………………………….……………….. I. Date & Amount of sanction of term loan, if any : ______________________ J. Details of release of term loan, if any: ______________________ K. DETAILS OF LAND I) Whether own land (ancestral) : _________________________ ii) Whether own land purchased : _________________________ (copy of the proof of each title be enclosed) L. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY i) Proposed month for undertaking commencement of the project: ii) Expected date/month of completion: iv)Proposed date for operation of the facility: M. MARKETING Strategy Details of marketing tie up N. Cost of Application Form & Scheme Brochure Rs 5000/- above prescribed cost of application form and brochure will be non refundable. O. Please remit the cost of application and scheme brochure by Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director Tourism, Meghalaya, Shillong. Name of the issuing Demand Draft No. Amount(Rs.) Bank Branch & Date ................................ ............................... .............. P. Name & address of consultant who prepared the project report (DPR). Certified that the information/contents as above furnished by me/us in the application are true to the best of my/our knowledge & belief and nothing material has been concealed. In case, any information furnished in the application is found false, my/our application may be rejected out rightly at any stage by the Director Tourism . (Signature of the Entrepreneur) Name & Address : ......................... Place: Telephone/Fax No. ......................... Date : Enclosures: i) Attach copy of record of right over project land. ii) Affidavit in prescribed format only. iii) Prescribed cost of application form and scheme brochure. iv) Detailed Project Report (DPR) v) Duly filled up and signed bank term loan application form/bank consent letter vi) Copy of last Income Tax Return, if any. vii) Key map of project land showing project details and land boundary details. viii) Proof of identity of applicant ix) NOC for creating such a facility. FORMAT II AFFIDAVIT (on stamp paper of Rs. 20) I/we ............................................ (Name of the entrepreneur) son ofMr……..........................(father’s name) resident of ........................................(residence address) do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 2. I hereby make an application to sign all required documents including this affidavit and am fully aware of the facts relating to the setting up the project at , Village…………….., District…………..State…………….. (location of the project) for setting up Homestay/Resort and application is being made to Director Tourism , Meghalaya for assistance under the scheme “ Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012”. 3. That the scheme of Tourism Department under which application is made by me has been properly read and understood by me and I affirm that the project/proposal complies with the scheme. 4. That the information provided in the application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. The estimate of the cost of project/proposal, financial viability and operating results have been worked out/computed as per the rule and generally accepted principle and norms in this regard. 5. No incentive other than that shown in the application form has been availed/is to be availed by me for this new project and component thereof from State/Central Govt. or any of its agencies. 6 I have not availed any assistance from Tourism Department which has not been disclosed in the application. 7. I also solemnly affirm that the proposal activity in the application is a completely new activity and not a pre-existing activity or any component thereof. In case of concealment of any facts in this regards, the Department would have right to reject my application out right at any stage. 8. The incentive provided will be utilised primarily for the specified activities covered under the scheme only. The incentive will be utilised only for the purposes of creation of infrastructure in the form of Homestays/Resorts to accommodate tourists. 9. I agree to the procedure to establish that the incentive has been utilised for the purpose provided and operating to be ascertained through inspections carried out on regular intervals and also ascertaining and verifying the tourist statistic records which will be submitted to the department on a monthly basis. 10. In case I am established to have misutilised the incentive I agree to be barred from availing any further or future incentive or benefit from the Government of Meghalaya. 11. In case of concealment of any facts in this regard, the Tourism Department would have right to recover the incentive released by them for this project, in addition to any civil and criminal action against me under the provisions of the law of the land. DEPONDENT DEPONENT VERIFICATION Verified on solemn affirmation at ..................................... (place) on this ............ (date) of, .................... (month), 20 .................(year) that the content of the above affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed. DEPONDENT/COMPETENT AUTHORITY FORMAT III A Pre Inspection Report Scheme- “Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012” 1. Project Code : ____________________ 2. Date of Application : ____________________ 3. Date of Pre Inspection of the project : ____________________ 4. Name & designation of the Inspecting Officer(s): 5. Name and address of the entrepreneur: _________________________ (With telephone no., if any) _________________________ _________________________ 6.Full address of the Project site : __________________________ (including Survey No.) __________________________ 7. Comments of Inspecting Officer for following points : i)Suitability of Project Site ii) Recommendations based on Tourism inflow etc iii) Tourist attractions iv) Source of Electricity and Water Supply v) Costing of project vi) Key Map (Please verify and enclose correct key map) vii) Skill level of entrepreneur and his training needs 8. Present Physical Status of the Project (Indicate proposed months for implementation of each activity. In case some component(s) are found completed, the same may be reported with month of start and completion. Old components like civil infrastructure Etc. may also be reported.) i) Land Development ii) Creation of boundary wall etc facilities iii) Installation/creation of other infrastructure pertaining to the proposed project iv) Landscaping 9. Details of assistance previously received from Tourism (purpose, year and amount to be indicated along with present status of project). 10. Whether entrepreneur has approached the Bank/FI For term loan, if yes give details e.g. Name of Bank, Date of loan application 11. Whether any deviation in Bank/Component/Implementation Schedule area etc. are indicated by the entrepreneur 12. Any specific Technical Advise/Comments of Inspecting Officer 13. In case of delayed pre inspection, please indicate reason(s) 14. Recommendation of the Inspecting Officer Signatures FORMAT III B Pre Joint Inspection Report Scheme “ Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012”. 1. Date of Inspection of the project : ____________________ 2. Name & designation of the Inspecting Officer(s): a) i) ______________________________ ii) ______________________________ iii) ______________________________ b) Name of entrepreneur : ________________ 3. Name of the Bank : ___________________________________________ 4. Date of receipt of application by the Department: __________ Control No.________ 5. Date of Commencement of the project :________________________________ 6. Date of completion of the project: _______________________________ 7. Date & amount of sanction of Term Loan: __________________________ 8. Name and address of the entrepreneur : _________________________ (With telephone no., if any) _________________________ _________________________ 9.Full address of the Project site : __________________________ (including Survey No.) __________________________ 10. Land details i) Whether land is in the name of entrepreneur Yes/No ii) Whether any assistance has been availed earlier Yes/No from the Tourism Department for any project on same location land. If yes, please indicate the year and amount of assistance. iii) Whether the entrepreneur has applied for assistance under Tourism or any other central schemes of assistance for the same project or any component of it ……………………………………………………… 12. Nature of activity . ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 13. Means of finance (Amount in Rs.) Particulars Proposed as per Bank appraisal As per Actual of final project Entrepreneur’s share Bank/FI term loan State Govt. Assistance, if any Assistance from other sources, if any Total project Cost with details . ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 14. In case of expansion of existing homestays project, brief description of the existing project.; if not already included in project appraisal report ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 15. Present commercial status of the project clearly mention the marketing tie up, if any. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 16. Other relevant information : Details of previous releases of assistance by Tourism Department, if any. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 17. Recommendation of the Inspection Officer (the amount of assessed cost and eligible incentive may be specified) in words. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ( Signature ) Date : FORMAT–IV Utilization Certificate It is to certify that the incentive amounting to Rs._______ ( Rupees ______________ only) was received from the Tourism Department on_______________ vide Cheque/ Transaction No._______________, in the term loan a/c. of Mrs/Mr/M/s. ________________ (full address of location of the project) ___________________ for their project _________________(Activity with area/capacity, etc.), was received and utilised for the purpose it was sanctioned & released under the Tourism Departments scheme “Meghalaya Tourism Development and Investment Promotion Scheme 2012”. Signature of the Bank Officer/ Issuing Authority with seal Date :
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 01:45:54 +0000

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