Ladies - please, please, please, be respectful of everyone with - TopicsExpress


Ladies - please, please, please, be respectful of everyone with your comments. This is suppose to be a celebratory event of 50 years of existence, not a forum to bash people that most of you may not even know. Think positive thoughts!!! Our intention in meeting on Saturday was to come up with activities and events appropriate for this celebration. Anyone could have planned it before this, but no one did so this was our first meeting, Yes, we know it is a big job in a short amount of time. And again, I say I was inspired and thankful for those who shared their thoughts for a celebration that honors all those who have shared the good and the bad, the happy and not so happy and stuck through it all when they werent exactly certain why. This is to honor those women who knew what being a member of this organization meant. Unfortunately no matter what weekend it is, there will be people who will not be able to make it, and yes, Beth was one of those women who had contacted me in advance saying that was the date of her wedding and asked if possible to stay away from that date. I wrote it down, as I did info that others had sent, most comments were thoughts that they hoped it could be done in coordination with other events on campus or that they hoped we would be able to do other things on campus since many who live away this may be the first and possibly only return trip to campus. Some also realized our actual anniversary date is in May but we have so many teacher members at that time of the year they didnt feel that would get a good turnout. Our goal is to try to accommodate the most we can as best we can, but also as I am sure you know - you cannot satisfy all of the people all of the time. it is not intentional - it is, to be able to get the most members here as we can, hopefully with an emphasis on those founding women who established the organization - some of the early ones are already identified as deceased, and more than likely wont be around for another milestone anniversary. When our discussion started and the collegiate chapter members mentioned they had done some work in advance with the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunities associated with the alumni weekend activities. I didnt mention Beths wedding conflict at the time, Im sorry for that, but the group seemed to think that was the perfect time to get many people back and Im not certain had I mentioned it would have changed. Also as I said earlier it may not work out - but for now that is how we are proceeding. Please understand nothing was meant in any way personal, I apologize to Beth because I was the one who everyone was suppose to submit their info to.. I dont even know Beth but I apologize especially to her and to those sisters who it does impact - and while Im at it Ill apologize to anyone else who cant make it for whatever date we end up having it it conflicts with your schedule. I also hope that going forward if anyone has questions or concerns you will voice them to me directly rather than to detract from the importance of this once in a lifetime event and the collaborative efforts of the chapter and the alumnae who attended the meeting. In the scheme of life there are many more things to get upset about - life is too short. We have alot of work to do to pull this event off and need everyones help, so going forward, please be constructive, not destructive with your comments.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 02:25:08 +0000

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