Ladies ~ 12.) Building, improving, and maintaining relationships - TopicsExpress


Ladies ~ 12.) Building, improving, and maintaining relationships and effective communication. Time to re-evaluate what we have learned this far. Time to be sure that we are not only hearers of the Word but also doers also. “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip” (Heb 2:1). How are you doing? Read through these past lists of daily homework and see what you need to be refreshed with - see what you are already applying - do you see results? Express sincere admiration & appreciation for everyone that you can today (Be specific!). Steer clear of flattery - flattery is selfish & has an insincere motive. Genuinely let people know something that you admire about them and let them know that you appreciate them in your life. Take some serious time to repent of anything you might feel God is convicting you of…even hidden sins affect your relationships. Humble yourself and make these things right with the Lord and if you have sinned against someone make it right with them too. Resist the temptation to be this kind of person in the future - renew your mind and yield your thoughts, words, and actions to the Holy Spirit and He will transform you. It really starts with each and every one of us being honest and humble. Let’s take time to pray and think before we open our mouths. Don’t be ashamed of Christ. Exemplify His Word lived out in your everyday life. Love the unlovely. Step out (even if you feel vulnerable) and invite people into your life. Get involved in God’s work of ministering to people. Aren’t you glad Jesus doesn’t isolate from you and me when we are unlovely? People need to see Jesus through our Christianity. Don’t use flattery. Flatter is pretending something that isn’t true for selfish gain. We live in a world of grown women who haven’t packed away their purple ponies, unicorns, rainbows and fairies. This leads to us being vulnerable and silly. Instead be a real, honest, loving, godly, transparent, modest, wholesome, studious, and upright Christian woman.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:16:23 +0000

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