Ladies ~ 13.) Building, improving, and maintaining relationships - TopicsExpress


Ladies ~ 13.) Building, improving, and maintaining relationships and effective communication. Are you dealing with troublemakers in your church? Do you have a lot of conflict due to dissenters? Evil hearted people incessantly cause trouble. Discord brings contention. Wicked people always go about stirring up trouble in other people’s lives. “Doing wrong is like a joke to a fool” (Pro 10:23). They yield their members as instruments of unrighteousness as they go about bringing misery into the lives of other people. When people sow discord they are striving unnecessarily to upset the applecart, destroy peace, separate relationships, ruin friendships, interfere in marriages, stir up trouble, pop balloons, break hearts, bully others, and steal happiness. Trouble makers are known for sowing discord and causing dissention. They gloat in hurting other people. It in fact becomes an obsession to them to ruin someone else’s happiness. They plot trouble for the next day while they are settling down for the night (Ps 36:4). “For they cannot sleep unless they have done wrong; they are robbed of sleep unless they have made someone stumble” (Pro 4:16). Sadly this doesn’t only apply to the world and work place; these tares are also planted by Satan in the church amongst believers. I’ve seen and known many of them through the years. In fact I have had more persecution from people who claim to be Christians than I have unbelievers. They disguise themselves as Christians and busy themselves with “the work of the ministry” causing division, sowing strife, hindering the saints, persecuting the godly, gossiping, and spreading lies - all the while destroying unity and trust. Do you know who their main targets are? Satan’s ultimate focus, of course, is to dishonor Jesus; therefore he focuses on destroying the credibility of those who are really striving to do right. Christians who honor Jesus are his main target. These dissenters hate more than anyone, those that are spreading the Word of God in truth, and especially those that are on to them. There are a few in the church that are gifted with the spiritual gift package administered by the Spirit that the Apostle Paul calls ‘discernment of spirits’ (1Cor 12:10). These people are especially and supernaturally gifted by God to discern between truth and error. They are gifted with special discernment to recognize, analyze, distinguish, detect, discriminate, notice, understand, decipher, and perceive truth from error. These people are the ones that ask questions, get red flags when they hear things said that are not of the truth, and when they see things that aren’t lining up with scripture. Godly people with this gift are not God, and cannot perfectly know the heart of another person, but they are gifted to discriminate between truth and error and they are led by the Spirit to do so. These tares are often detected first by these discerning people and therefore they try to run them down to other believers as being judgmental and unkind. This pits believers against other believers. The sad thing? They are all too affective! These truth protecting believers become targets of those who sow discord; if evil people can get unsuspecting Christians not to believe those who DO suspect their hypocrisy and stand for truth and if they can get them to turn the tables and have them look like the bad guys; they can be free to proceed unhindered with their evil schemes. The problem that I hear of, and have seen myself through the years, is that too often unsuspecting Christians that do not know their bibles well, are the ones that fall for, and actually protect the ones that sow discord. All in the name of love and emotional ties they protect the disguised enemy and condemn the righteous sister or brother who appears unloving because they hold people accountable to truth. Feelings of love, personal experience, emotions, intuition, sentimentality, nostalgia, relations, partiality, and preference are never, ever, ever, no never, to be held over the truth. There is no real ‘love’ apart from God’s truth. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (Joh. 4:24). These things always, eventually, come out in the wash, but before the truth is exposed there is often a lot of harm done. This is exactly Satan’s plan. He sets troublemakers in the body to bite, devour, and hinder God’s plan and divide His people. Most believers have seen these evil doers wreak havoc in good churches throughout history. They see them buddy up to the Elders, sometimes they are Elders, they serve in high positions, and they play the part well, giving the very coat off their backs at times (when it advantages themselves to do so). All the while they stunt the growth of the church as they use the biblically ignorant and unsuspecting to help them target and hinder the godly. Shame on us for letting this happen! Scripture clearly warns us of this type of thing over and over…we should know better. What did the Holy Spirit inspire the Apostle Paul to write concerning this very thing? - “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish everyone with tears. And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified” (Acts 20:28-32). Homework - Examine if you are a trouble maker in your church. If so - go to the Lord in fervent prayer to truly repent of and forsake it. Do you know of troublemakers in your church? Pray for them to repent or be exposed. Pray for your church. Pray for your Pastor. Ask God to use you to build and not tear down your church. * Remember the ‘church’ is a body of individual believers…when you pray for your church try to remember each by name.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:18:42 +0000

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