Ladies ~ 7.) Building, improving, and maintaining relationships - TopicsExpress


Ladies ~ 7.) Building, improving, and maintaining relationships and effective communication. People desire admiration and appreciation - let’s be the ones that give out both. Let’s not wait for someone’s funeral to express what they meant to us. Is there someone who has passed on that you wish you could tell that you love them just one more time? Let’s strive to express positive things from our hearts to others…while they are alive to enjoy it. Praise is good in eulogies at funerals; but even better face to face. Don’t forget that relationships include your family AND your friends. Without even meeting your Mom I know that she wasn’t perfect; but are there things that you could let her know that you are thankful for? Are there things that you could express thankfulness for to your Dad? It thrills a parent’s heart to hear that their children love and appreciate them. Don’t merely give a generic ‘thank you for being a good Father or Mother’ - instead name why you think so. “I love how you sacrificed for us kids… I didn’t realize how much commitment Motherhood was until I had my own and I am so thankful for all of those unnoticed things that you did for us!” “Daddy, you always provided for us, I so respect the sacrifices that you made through the years, and you never made us feel like we were burdens to you. I always felt that you loved us.” “I love how you took time to read to us… some of my fondest memories were… (..Name them!)” “I know that you had it hard bringing us children up without a father, I appreciate it that you were always there for us!” “Looking back I’m so ashamed of the way I treated you, especially in my teens, you were trying to raise us the best that you knew how, and I am so thankful for that.” How about your Parents in law? …“I just want you to know that I love how you trained Bob, he’s got so many good qualities and I see so many things that reflect that you really poured time into him in so many ways.” (Name some.) What about a friend that you’ve lost touch with? Reach out and let her know that you remember certain fond memories (name some specific ones) and tell her that your life was happier when she was in it. Give some sincere compliments to people that you are always with. Name things that you appreciate about them. Name their strengths. Don’t let another day get by us without expressing our gratitude to those that we love. Think of those in our sphere of influence- our husbands, parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, coworkers, our in-laws, our pastors, our children’s Sunday school teacher, and of course our children….everyone. This includes our little children. Don’t just say, ‘I love you.’ That’s good…. However being specific is even better ~ “I love you, did you know that Mommy prays for you every single day? You were a big help to me today when you brought all of that laundry down and kept the baby quiet when I had to be on the phone. I’m so glad you are mine!” Get specific! I’ve made a tradition with my children that every birthday I write a love note about them in their birthday card, and every time I end it with….“If all of the 13 year olds (which ever year they turn that year) in the whole wide world were in a row….I’d pick YOU!” Our husbands’ desire respect… we can boost their confidence here by letting them know the ways that we admire them. God wants us to love them unconditionally. Giving them a Father’s Day card that says they are the best father in the world is good, but it is also generic. Companies write those cards out for all the fathers in the world. But when you choose a ‘nothing’ day to put a really nice card hidden in his lunch that lists ten things about him that you’re thankful for…very specific things; it becomes extra special. Theodore Roosevelt used to address his gardeners, maids, and cooks by their first names and would complement their service and work for him specifically. One of his cooks knew, first hand from him, that he specifically loved her cornbread. His servants LOVED him for it and wanted to serve him all the more. They felt appreciated and noticed. Face to face is best - but if some special people are not handy - buy some note cards; write a very personal love note to 5-10 people that have made a difference in your life. Be specific and let them know what that difference is. Mark your calendar in three months from today, choose 5-10 different people and send some more notes out. Or buy a gift, send flowers…. be creative if you want to, but mostly be expressive in positive ways. Be like Jesus to this lost and dying and sad, sad world. Hebrews 3:13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. Homework - Express sincere admiration & appreciation for everyone that you can today (Be specific!). Steer clear of flattery - flattery is selfish & has an insincere motive. Genuinely let people know something that you admire about them and let them know that you appreciate them in your life.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 10:02:06 +0000

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