Ladies, I felt the need to share with my fellow RCGians some - TopicsExpress


Ladies, I felt the need to share with my fellow RCGians some of my thought regarding some of the communication posted lately regarding issues with our beloved school: 1- I read in numerous occasions that the school has not deteriorated.. I was wondering if any of us may have overlooked the fact that the dynamics of the whole country has... you cant expect the school to have an open door model when there are thugs surrounding its fences... we all know the schools location and we are equally aware of the security challenges our school must be facing these days. So cut the administration some slack if they cant allow us in at all times. 2- Why do we as alumni have a sense of entitlement? Yes, we spent about 14 years of our lives there, but we can not expect to be able to run the school from the comfort of our couches. Lets show some faith in those who stepped up to fill the shoes of Mrs. Salama ( which by the way are too big of shoes to fill) 3- Speaking of Mrs. Salama, could it be that its not that we dislike the new administration, but rather we feel nostalgic when we think of our times at school. Thats why we compare apples to oranges, which in my mind is not fair 4- Our tone may be compelling at times when we feel passionate about our school, which is understandable, but may I remind you that we, the students of RCG used to take pride in being true, embraced good manners and held high our principles and values. How can we have a 2 way conversation when the majority of our posts are mere accusations? 5- I recall vividly how intimidated many of us were of the Administration including God bless their souls, Ms. Wahba, Mrs Salama and Mrs. Cecil, have we forgotten how difficult it was for us to raise a concern to administration? Why cant we take the opportunity of the change in management style and educate our kids on how to communicate their concerns in a civilized, honorable manner? Our kids take after us, and if the only way we communicate our concerns is through random accusations and condemn, then I am sorry but you should not expect your kids to be anything when they grow up other than cynical, stubborn, and unreasonable. These are my 2 cents on the back lash I have seen on our page recently, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that we can live by our motto: Enter ye to learn, leave ye to serve. thanks Noha Nancy Eldahshan Class of 1992
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:56:52 +0000

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