Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! Am sure saa hii wajiuliza kwani tumefanya - TopicsExpress


Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! Am sure saa hii wajiuliza kwani tumefanya nini tena? Brace yourself ladies today I am going to give you glad tidings….We are very important part of the cycle of life so I dedicate the below to all of you… To all the married ladies I say congratulations! Appreciate what you have and be a better wife a better mother.At times the difficulty you face does not necessarily means it’s your fault and just believe that it is not a set back rather it can be a blessing in disguise so worry not. Play you part as it should be and leave the rest to the Creator. Be blessed! To all our single mommas we truly appreciate you and we hope God will give you the strength and courage to keep doing what you are doing. It is not easy to raise kid on your own and we truly salute you for that. Did you know that some of the best scholars were raised by single mothers? Worry not you are on the right track and yes you still have the strength to carry on! Be blessed! To all our single sisters you are beautiful just the way you are and there is nothing wrong that you are still single. Look at it this way we were brought in this world to worship God, to better our society and to do a lot of other stuff so focus on those things and when the right time comes it will happen. Follow the way of the Best Planner (God) and you will not get lost. Be Blessed! To our young girls, we love you very much and we do hope that you will make wise choices. At times being told what to do does not necessarily mean that your parents don’t respect your privacy it just means that they want the best for you and nothing else but the best. Know that choices you make today will affect you tomorrow so grow up gracefully and know that you can be anything you want to be. Be Blessed! It is a man’s world but it is nothing without a woman or a girl. Hawa/Eve was created after Adam this should tell you something. The first martyr in Islam was a woman; women of this world have do sooooo many good things so let us continue with that legacy. Appreciate your self and do what you do best and know that in the end it is not about everyone else it is about you and your Creator. Have a lovely Friday.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 06:25:14 +0000

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