Ladies~ You won’t have your children forever….Make sure that - TopicsExpress


Ladies~ You won’t have your children forever….Make sure that you take the time to be absolutely CERTAIN that each and every single member of your household feels and knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that YOU love them unconditionally. There are different ways that different individuals feel love more potently than others; we sometimes hear them called ‘love languages’ 1.) touch/hugs 2.) giving gifts 3.) quality time 4.) words of affirmation 5.) acts of service. Take the time to learn what each person’s desires and temperament blend is so that YOU can better fulfill the longings of their heart as their grandmother, mother, wife, daughter, sister, or friend. Take the time to really understand each individual child. Learn to love the way that God made them and train them to love and serve Him. Study their temperament blend so that you will better understand what makes them “tick.” Study the Word of God - learn what He says about being a godly person and parent. Bathe your parenting in prayer. Walk yielded to the Spirit and exemplify Christ in your home. Compassion, kindness, benevolence, edification, exhortation, appreciation, love, affection, and encouragement goes a lot further by way of having a lasting influence, than criticism, bitterness, anger, manipulation, fear, self pity, head games, and demeaning talk. Take the time to read good Christian child training books for each stage that your children go through. No one knows it all … it is good for us to get wisdom from other godly Christians that have gone before us and who have been there and done that. Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:28:49 +0000

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