Ladies and Gentleman...Please allow me to welcome you to this - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gentleman...Please allow me to welcome you to this brand new day..its not going to last forever but it is guaranteed to challenge you and maybe in the process you might learn something about yourself and the world around you as you go along your way. I am reminded what John Lennon said in his last interview in Playboy Magazine...I paraphrase but it was something like: Every song the Beatles produced could have been improved. I think that says alot about the creative process we all go thru...this is seemingly easy but at first it was seemingly insurmountable...staring at a computer monitor trying to get things to work even on a user level , forget about all the background work that goes into coding all this stuff so we can post our thoughts & theories to the world. I dont know much but i do know i have only so much time left and I would like all of my words to hit the least hit the target and maybe later on work on getting the darts closer to the bullseye..I am just past that stage where one learns how to hold onto the dart and learning when to release the dart and just hit the target. That is the process right there. Given enough time indeed my skills as a writer will improve it is the law of the matter how your life may seem there is a place that shines inside of a human being...even in the face of death and facing all kinds of wickedness there is a light that shines bright that removes all doubt..if even for a second, for that 1 second Life becomes clear and that is all I need to know. Removing fear requires divine intervention..and that divinity is inside of me...I say me because I have to say me..otherwise why all of this? I am the one sitting here doing this. I have been grown from a bubble in my moms belly and born into this world just like anyone else; the best and the brightest or the worse evil sinner. Public statements made about human divinity are either spot on or miss the mark altogether...its either a bullseye or a grey areas. From this side of things that is how I see it... If I am feeling it in my heart then I can write it down..but writing is very much a static isnt fluid like speaking where you have facial clues & vocal sounds along with the words to convey meaning...and for all my writing practice(after all is said and done writing is an art form)..I know I am just scratching the surface..I stand in awe of the greats, Kabir comes first to mind...he nails it with just a few words...he is a Zen master and he was , from what I have heard, dirt poor. So cheer up everybody...Listen to Words of Peace ...Mr Rawat wouldnt say this about himself but he is for real a Zen Warrior for Peace. And he and all of us owe a lot of thanks to those hearty souls who came before us on this Earth with just one thing to say...Turn Within. The Peace you are looking for is inside of you. OK there is so much in those simple statements, there are not enough words to express the profound impact Mr Rawat has had and continues to have on the population of human on this Planet... Even if there were 10,000 Mr Rawats constantly travelling on Earth helping us evolve to a higher level of understanding of would still be one person coming to an understanding of what all of this is & living it out in Peace. As it stands..there is one incredible Mr Rawat and there is one incredible you. Do what you have to do Stu to see it thru. There is only you to accomplish the impossible in such a sweet short time on this Planet with all the other groovy people.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 12:20:29 +0000

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