Ladies and Gentlemen- important announcement time. While we - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gentlemen- important announcement time. While we here are generally a pack of irreverent assholes who make a joke about just about everything and use humor & vulgarity to get our point across- the next few days may prove to be interesting, not just for those living in Ferguson MO but in major cities across America. The possibility of widespread, violent civil unrest is akin to that of the 60s. With that in mind wed like to offer some serious advice from both a police and a military perspective. Obviously those of us living out in the sticks dont have much to worry about- this really only applies to those in areas of high population density. 1- Do not go out if you do not have to. Staying at home should be a no-brainer, especially for those in areas likely to be affected and especially Ferguson itself. You are infinitely less likely to run into problems in your own home than you are out amongst em. Even in Ferguson, personal domiciles are going to be much lower on the hit list than stores and businesses. 2- In your home, keep your personal defense firearm handy. This means having it in at least Condition 3 and on your person / within arms reach. This pertains mostly to those living in high risk areas. I live in the middle of nowhere so my personal threat level is WAY below someone living in Ferguson, Newark or other hotspots. 3- Listen to local news channels for information on possible civil unrest in your area. Local news stations are great sources of intel on what is happening where- even moreso than the majors. If you know where the problems are, then you are better equipped to avoid them which is the best thing to do. Youre not running MSR Tampa, youre going to work. Find the safest way to do so. 4- If you need to go out, keep your head on a swivel. Look at body language for cues, look for roadblocks or crowds and look for damaged property. All of this will clue you into what you are traveling through. Situational awareness is your friend. 5- If you must travel, carry a firearm but use it ONLY AS A LAST RESORT. It is best to avoid and evade trouble if at all possible. If you see a crowd of demonstrators blocking a roadway or engaged in violent acts- find another route or toss the car into reverse and beat feet. Find bypasses or alternate routes avoiding trouble spots. It is not your job to get in amongst em and nothing they are ripping off or burning is worth your life. NOTHING. 6- In conjunction with looking out for protesters/looters also look out for large groups of police or National Guard. While you may be nervous to be out driving in a city or town shaken from mass lawlessness, those guys are 10x as nervous as you are. Pay attention to ALL verbal and visual commands. Yes- you have Constitutional rights to travel and to not produce ID unless reasonable suspicion exists- but whether or not you choose to make an issue of it with guys who have been awake for 36 hours dodging rocks and molotov cocktails on foot is up to you. We advise against it. Instead record the incident, comply fully, and take it up with the Department or CoC at a later date. Remember just because you CAN give them a hard time, doesnt mean you SHOULD give them a hard time. 7- Dont go out looking to get into things or to walk down the sidewalk of a street obviously involved in widespread lawlessness and violence to Stand Your Ground. Whatever you may think of the mindset of the protesters/looters, they are going to outnumber the rounds in your mags and they are going to be pissed off and/or violent. Seeking confrontation will get you dead. Sure youll take a few with you but at the end of the day, youre still pushing up daisies. 8- Do NOT assume that groups of people of a certain skin color are going to be violent while groups of another skin color will not be. The KKK is planning on deploying to many areas and these guys can and most likely will be just as violent as the (mostly) minority protesters. You dont want to mix it up with either group. In addition when civil authority breaks down- scumbags of every color imaginable come out of the woodwork. Just because dude has the same skin color doesnt mean he wont shoot you in the face and take your stuff. Im sure theres a million more things we could add into this but were going to leave it off here. Be safe, be sane, stay alive. P.S. Any racist bullshit will be deleted. Period. I was in NOLA post-Katrina and can vouch that shitbags exist in every hue.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 01:02:43 +0000

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