Ladies and Gentlemen, Your humble correspondent is beginning the - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gentlemen, Your humble correspondent is beginning the 2014 post-election commentary on this page with a few reports about Gov. Sarah Palin to illustrate a couple of points. One is to reveal information seldom found in the mainstream legacy media so that others appreciate with a modicum of clarity the virtue, integrity, principle, courage, knowledge, and skill required for true constitutional conservative leadership in the tradition of President Ronald Reagan, and where to find it. Another is to help those unwilling to tear away the blinders of party loyalty to the Progressive RINO Establishment. The attacks they waged against Ronald Reagan were vile enough; their attacks today against Sarah Palin have descended to inexcusable moral lows to the extent many would easily conclude the Republicans did in fact declare a war on women (Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Christine ODonnell, Sharron Angle, etc., etc.) To be more specific about historical attacks of the Progressive RINO Establishment against constitutional conservatives: a Bush/Romney cabal tried to derail Ronald Reagans efforts by spreading lies about him (Bush 41 and George Romney); the same familial establishment attacks Sarah Palin relentlessly today. Both public figures deeply concern the Progressive RINO Establishment; Reagan is still being attacked even now, as they try to re-write known factual history. Rush Limbaugh touched on it rather succinctly when speaking about the left; an observation that should be indelibly etched into the inner cognitive recognition function of every conservative: The left will tell you who it is they fear the most. The same may be accurately said about the Progressive RINO Establishment as well. The sad and painful truth of the Progressive RINO Establishments on-going complicity and cooperation with - and their capitulation to - King Barry must be understood and accepted if the constitutional conservative movement is to win the presidency in 2016: a critical step to implement damage control relating to the expert destruction administered by King Barry during his time in office. Mark Levin reported last week inside sources have confirmed Jeb Bush will be a presidential contestant for the 2016 election. For anyone to imagine Jeb could defeat Hillary in 2016 is a flight of remarkable fantasy; a rejection of superior capabilities unique to Progressive Marxist tacticians/strategists (replete with all forms of illegal campaign contributions, voter fraud, graft, bribes, pandering, etc.) and a failure to learn from recent well-documented history. Reagan showed the way; constitutional conservatism wins the day. Nobody out-panders the Progressive New Democrat Party, and no one of legitimate constitutional conservative persuasion would try. For many Americans perception is reality; the money will flow to Hillary, already re-inventing herself as a moderate. How does the Progressive RINO Establishment identify itself? Moderate. Its those crazy, wacko-bird constitutional conservative weirdos trying to protect and save the Constitution whom are extreme, right? During the 2016 election cycle already underway, the mainstream legacy media will do what they do best: indoctrinate. At the risk of pointing out the all-too-obvious, presidential elections are decided via the electoral college: Nuff said. The Progressive RINO Establishment is not stupid, any more than King Barry and his Progressive Marxist Chicago radical left elitists could reasonably be labeled as stupid: What they are is corrupt. Yes, of course; pejoratives will fly when We the People are hopping mad, and we have every reason to be angry about and afraid for whats happening to our representative constitutional republic. The Progressive Marxist Chicago radical left owns the mainstream media; a lesson in the value of indoctrination and inculcation not lost on the Progressive RINO Establishment. Remember Mississippi? Many conservative news websites are less about reporting or commenting objectively on news stories and topics of interest than being a mouthpiece for the Progressive RINO Establishment. The Daily Caller has proven capable of fulfilling this type of mission. As well as towing the Progressive RINO Establishment propaganda line, they are not above plagiarizing the work of true investigative journalists such as Charles C. Johnson at Gotnews and calling it their own. Maybe thats why they are The Daily Caller... Tucker Carlson (MSNBC, CNN, FOX, etc.) established The Daily Caller on January 11, 2010, along with Bush insider Neil Patel. According to Wikipedia, Carlson laid claim to being adamant about neutrality for The Daily Caller: In an interview with The Politico, Carlson said that The Daily Caller will not be tied to ideology but rather will be breaking stories of importance. In a Washington Post article, Carlson added Were not enforcing any kind of ideological orthodoxy on anyone. Talk is often rather cheap, and Beltway Bubble-Dwellers are adroit in the art of oral and verbal deception. Compare Karl Roves record of candidate endorsements by his American Crossroads PAC to that of SarahPAC: Sarah Palins political action committee. Michelle McCormick at Conservatives4Palin responds to the latest in a continuing effort to slander Gov. Palin with prevarication and plain, outright lies in her post Dear Daily Caller Boys... (November 7, 2014): Dear Gentlemen of the Daily Caller, On October 10, 2014, Alex Pappas, posted an article stating that, Palin Donates Only 5 Percent Of PAC Contributions To Candidates. On August 2, 2013, Ben Jacobs posted an article stating that, Palin’s political action committee spends more than it makes. Notwithstanding the Goldilocks Principle you’ve applied to SarahPAC, I noticed that at the end of Mr. Pappas’ article he stated that The Daily Caller attempted to reach SarahPAC’s treasurer, and I assume they did not hear back from Mr. Crawford. Since the Daily Caller makes it a hobby of checking the books of a relatively petite political action committee, and since I consider the employees of SarahPac to be friends of mine, well, I thought I’d help some friends out and inform the gentlemen of the Daily Caller the results of SarahPac’s too many expenditures, too little expenditures from this 2014 election cycle*: Joni Ernst, Senator-elect, Iowa Tim Scott, Senator-elect, South Carolina Pat Roberts, Senator-elect, Kansas Ben Sasse, Senator-elect, Nebraska Elise Stfanik, Congresswoman-elect, New York’s 21st Congressional District Dave Brat, Congressman-elect, Virginia’s 7th Congressional District Tom Emmer, Congressman-elect, Minnesota’s 6th ­Congressional District Barry Loudermilk, Congressman-elect, Georgia’s 11th Congressional District Jason Smith, Congressman, Missouri’s 8th Congressional District. Doug Ducey, Governor-elect, Arizona Greg Abbott, Governor-elect, Texas Pete Ricketts, Governor-elect, Nebraska Niki Haley, Governor, South Carolina Cory Gardner, Governor-elect, Colorado Leslie Rutledge, Attorney General-elect, Arkansas Adam Laxalt, Attorney General-elect, Nevada Ken Paxton, Attorney General-elect, Texas Mark Brnovich, Attorney General-elect, Arizona *results in AK races pending As Goldilocks would say, That is just right. I wager that if you were to query the contributors to SarahPac, they’d echo Goldilocks. I look forward to your next investigation of SarahPac’s finances. I predict you’ll find what many PACs do not have: A winning streak. Regards, A SarahPac donor
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 02:15:14 +0000

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