Ladies and Gentlemen as well as members of the UWI Geographical - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gentlemen as well as members of the UWI Geographical Society as a nominated candidate for the Presidency for the UWIGS 2014/ 2015 Administration/ Executive, heres MY manifesto in preparation for the Upcoming April 3rd Elections starting at 1 p.m. (see see photo below): Upon reading my manifesto, the reforms, plans, programs and policies NOT ONLY reflects some of the new things i plan to do for the Society as it moves forward regardless of the outcome of the Election (in spite of expressing my DEEPEST and MOST WANTON DESIRE for emerging the VICTOR), but also TOO the foundations that i along with my counterparts have already laid and are currently continuing to lay in preparation for moving forward as a Society of SUCCESS which relates Geography to its members, students at the Department of Geography and Geology, other interested students at The University of the West Indies, Mona as well as the wider outside world in a way that represents and is on par with the real - world academically, socially, professionally as well as ethically in terms of positive development, progress, growth, change, unity and building human capital. Being a member of the UWIGS since February 2012, i have contributed to the development of the Society since that time not just simply via dues contributions, attending and participating in weekly activities, attending their events and purchasing some of its paraphernalia (shirts, armband etc.), but have ALSO and at a HIGHER LEVEL contributed to building and advancing some of the academic, social, electronic, financial, environmental, planning and administrative infrastructure and interests of the Society (which is both physically and electronically evident) not with the intent for achieving accolades for credit in a self - serving manner or for that purpose, but MORE SO with the intent of laying and strengthening the foundations for a Society that has SHOULD represent the interests of Geography as well as that which has the potential to reach HIGHER HEIGHTS in the long term years from now. Having begun my membership on the basis of uncertainty and doubt, i have overtime achieved not just accolades within the UWIGS by virtue of membership and participation, but also too have gained the support and respect of some past Executive members, other members in general , some supporters and other students in and outside of the UWIGS in the face of hard - work, perseverance, satisfaction and even disappointment at times. Despite this, i REALIZED overtime that the BIGGER picture is not to fight all the way to the top for the sake of power and dominance, but was and is to ACTUALLY make contributions and more so a POSITIVE IMPACT on the UWIGS as it relates to the development, growth and advancement of a Society that has likewise given me the chance to reach where i am in the organization today with the extended aim of giving and facilitating this chance for others as well. Yes, having also recognized sometimes that observers and onlookers have casted doubt as well as criticized the nature of the Society as one which is Geographical along with some uncertainty as to how it will help them, my message to you is this: The fact that we CANNOT change everything is NOT A RIGHT to say that we cannot change anything. From this, i am saying that regardless of the already - existing climate of fear, doubt, uncertainty and inefficiency that casts a shadow on our ability to move forward, we can DO SOMETHING to change A LOT of things around us irrespective of the odds or where were coming from (as it BOTH applies to doing so in or outside the Society likewise in life). As such, i also want to say as well that in the face of adversity, there is ALWAYS hope. And how do i know this? Because ive been there quite a number of times. Yes, one can always simply and easily say that one wants to be a positive leader, work as a team, show respect for others and give credit where it is RIGHTFULLY due, but IT IS DOING IT and LIVING IT is what REALLY COUNTS and as it relates to this ladies and gentlemen, IM ALREADY THERE and have been there even long before my days in the Society and as a Geography student at UWI Mona. As such, I, running for the Presidency of the Society, am not just simply throwing my UWIGS, UWI Mona as well as external accomplishments simply as a ruse for getting the post, but am REALLY asking for YOUR SUPPORT to VOTE for me so that i can continue to make a positive impact on the UWIGS, continue having the willingness and desire to work with others via teamwork in an unbiased and non - partisan manner, continue to LISTEN to the needs and interests of the Societys members in an attempt to improve the Society itself likewise my own individual character, continue facilitating the care and interest for students on a whole despite problems and challenges of my own (as is the case with any individual), LEAD the UWIGS a productive path that will see us through in the long run and hold the glue of the Society together; even through the trying times both in the UWIGS and in school that often times define who we really are and ULTIMATELY to SERVE that which is why i am REALLY running for this post. Ladies and gentlemen and members of the Society, trust me, you dont even begin to know how much of the Societys INTEREST I HAVE AT HEART! THANK YOU ALL and i WISH SOLEMNLY that you vote for ADRIAN HENRIQUES - The Way Forward. As is my manifestos slogan says - Society First. Regards. Adrian Henriques (Mr.), UWIGS Planning Committee.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:31:21 +0000

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