Ladies, and Gentlemen of the World.... Americans, English, - TopicsExpress


Ladies, and Gentlemen of the World.... Americans, English, French, German, etc... This video is only ONE of MANY from Islamists stating their violent intentions. If We The People of this world do not unite we will fall. This is not a single issue for a single Nation. All of our Sovereign Nations have been threatened, all of our lives have been threatened, and they are proving their intent through violence to every non Muslim daily. They provide video evidence themselves of their atrocities. We can not tolerate their actions any further, nor can we allow their vile hatred to infect the world with more death, and despair. They are organized, well funded, and they believe in the Holy War called Jihad. They will fight to their deaths because they believe murder, suicide, rape, pedophilia, torture, terror, and mutilation of every non Muslim is not only acceptable, but what the false prophet of their cult has said is their way to heaven. Suicide in service to Allah is a guarantee to martyrdom for these people. They are raised from birth to kill the infidel. The infidel is defined as every NON Muslim in the world. The choices they require each of us to make is to convert, die, or pay for the privilege of serving them as lower forms of life to them. The option God Our Father in Heaven, Free Will, and Basic Human rights give us... Accept or Deny their stated intention to kill us in Jihad. If we choose to deny it they will kill us through their holy war known as Jihad while no one does anything about it. If we accept the FACT they have declared war on us then we must also accept the FACT WE ARE AT WAR. We must face the enemy in battle, and kill them until there is not an enemy to stand and face us in battle. They will not stop until they are dead because they believe they are right in their atrocities, murders, and intent of genocide for an entire world of non Muslims. This can not be allowed to come to fruition. These crimes against humanity must be stopped by any means necessary. We Must Unite against this evil across the world. PC is no longer acceptable when fear of offending is the tool they use to subdue us to our deaths. If you want to live in a free world, with your free will, and your beliefs not to be the cause of your death through the Terrorist religion known as Islam then We MUST stand to fight against it. We must kill every single one of them that pick up arms against the populace of this world. Their intent is Genocide. We must rid the world of this plague before this plague rids the world of us.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:02:08 +0000

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