Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another edition of C-Squared. - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another edition of C-Squared. This week we have a special guest. You all know him and love him. He is one of our own, come up in the Clash from the ranks of the laborers. That’s right folks, you guessed it, The Hoss! ::The camera shifts over to a tall man, with thick arms, red hair, beard, and glasses. He waves to the crowd before taking a place behind the table beside the announcer:: Good evening Drake, its good to be here. And thank you to all my fans around the world. Without your support, I couldnt have survived the Clash, nor would I be here now before you. ::The camera shifts back to Drake, the announcer and he begins speaking:: Now, Hoss, we all love watching the recaps of your fight against Billy the Kid. No one thought you had a chance at beating him. His hands are crazy fast. We all know all the preparations you put into readying yourself for that battle, what do you think about this upcoming bout? ::The camera focuses in on Hoss as he begins to speak:: Well Drake, it has been a long time since we have had two names like these going up against each other. Never before has the likes of Batman (Tom Roesch) and the Juggernaut (James Waters) been on the field together at the same time. I have been working closely with the game-masters to figure out a way to make this a fair fight, and let me tell you, it has been one hell of a time. The dimensional adjustments between the two that must be made are intense. From what I understand, many different corporations and Luxury class have their hands in on this one. This looks to be a battle on scale of epic proportions. ::The camera angle shifts over to Drake:: That is what we hear also Hoss. From what I understand, there have been a lot of historical fictional characters chosen for this one. Just a few that have been leaked to us are Wolverine, Sherlock Holmes, and even a Power Puff Girl? ::There is laughter in the audience as the camera shifts over to Hoss again:: Well Drake, you must always have some sort of comedic value in the Clash. Otherwise, it would just be gratuitous violence. Although there is nothing wrong with that. ::The laughter picks up again as the camera shifts over to Drake again:: Well ladies and gentlemen, that appears to be all for…wait a moment, we have an incoming live feed directly from the game directors office. Ladies and gentlemen, let me give you the rare pleasure of presenting to you, the GameMaster! ::the crowd goes wild as the feed cuts completely off, before focusing in on a very large man, seated behind a desk with dark hair, thick eyebrows, large beard, with an epic goatee:: Thank you Drake. Ladies and gentlemen. Let me tell you. This will truly be a Clash beyond all clashes. This will be the first time, we will be placing more than just a few lives on the line. That’s right. This will be a full blown battle. Several of you know of the Specialist Class training cadres known as Fracture and IYOYAS. Well, after all of the bad blood from previous matches, we have decided to expand the arena. Not only will those forces be fighting, but they have recruited others to their sides. This battle will not simply be a one on one, or a two on two, or even ten on ten, as our largest events have been in the past. In fact, we are not limiting the field in this one. We expect to have hundreds of competitors against each other in one massive Clash. That’s right. Those of you out there watching, report to your nearest recruitment centers. The time has come. You have a chance to change your lives. Do you have what it take to survive the Clash of the Dimensions?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 20:20:46 +0000

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