Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to this week’s edition of - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to this week’s edition of C-Squared. With the upcoming epic battle, we have another special guest for you. This one you all know, may not love, but at the least respect, not just for his brutality, but for his deviousness, and maniacal laughter. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Jester! ::The camera shifts over to a wiry individual with close cropped hair and piercing eyes. His hair is cut short, military style. He seems to have a smirk permanently on his face, and when he looks in the direction of the camera, a chill goes up your spine, as if he were right there, looking at you.:: Jester: Always a pleasure my friend. Drake: Now Jester, you have remained in the shadows a lot since your victory against Vlad the Impailer, is this because, even by Clash standards, your victory was especially gory? Jester: Alas, the Arena will take a lot from you my friend Drake: That is true, especially the way that you reciprocated the same punishment unto Vlad which he had done to so many, the method that game him his name. Now, this week we saw Harry Potter battling against the Predator. While Harry won the battle, what do you think about the Predators tactics this round? Jester: The Predators are a fierce, battle driven race. Their tactics are solid, but this is no normal battle. Harry used his youth and his magic skills to knock the Predators down like dominoes. A glorious victory, though neither would have stood a chance against me!!! hehehehehe Drake: Very true, we saw a similar battle with fierce warriors against magic not that long ago, this one involving one of the commanders in the upcoming Clash, Batman, in the Clash involving Batman and Morrigan. Why do you think that battle turned out differently? Jester: Simple.....Batman has Alfred!! Granted, Alfred was in the stands watching, but the tools and Gizmos he helps create are magnificent!!! This is coming from someone who knows firsthand hehehehehehe Drake: Very true, the exposition battle between you and Batman is one of our greatest replays on the virtual-streaming environment relays. Now, one of the other battles this week, while not a main event battle, was an excellent match none-the-less. The Kurgen, of the Highlander series, versus another sword weidling warrior, Conan. Man oh Man, did the blood fly in this one. Jester: It sure did Drake. Luckily for the Kurgen, Conan didnt get the decapitation hit, or it would have been an easy victory!!! Drake: This is very true, it’s a rarity that we see battles fought to a true standoff, and a tie is declared, this has only ever happened a handful of times. Now, we have spoken about our one commander in the upcoming Clash, let’s address the other one. The Juggernaught. Earlier this season we saw him in a battle which seemed very one sided. Juggernaught vs The Flash. We havent seen brutality like that since your battle against Vlad, while it didnt come close to your personal fight, what do you think about that battle? Jester: That’s a no-brainer. The Flash stood no chance!!! Sure, he has speed. But The Juggernaut is not one to be messed with. His pure size, and his extreme athleticism for a big man, simply outmatched Flashy. When Juggs went for the over the top Samoan Slam, even I cringed a bit. Pure brutality, total Carnage, an A+ victory for Juggsypoo!! If I were Lightning Rod, I would have used my intellect and ran as far away as I could, Run to live another day. Unfortunately, doesnt look like he has much brains Hehehehehehehehe Drake: Wow, you seem to have quite the positive opinion of the Juggernaut, in our previous interviews, rarely have you ever given such a glowing recommendation. Why now? Jester: Well, you see, I admire enthusiasm. Juggs looked like he really wanted a fight. Lightning Rod gave him, well, a scuffle at best. Dont get me wrong, Juggs couldnt hold his own with the likes of say, me, but he is a decent competitor and deserved some level of admiration. Drake: So, with such a glowing review of Juggernaught, I would think that Batman doesnt stand a chance. Even with the other persons supporting him, do you think we are going to see a repeat of the Flash fight? Jester: Flawless....until now!!!! As unlikely as it seems, the Bat and I need each other. We are like Ying and Yang. I could not let Juggs take my place in defeating Batsy. That being said, I would like to throw my name in as a returning champion, to support Bat Brains, make sure he doesnt do anything stupid like get himself killed, and show Juggs that its not about how big your head is, but how you use it that counts!!! Hehehehehehehehehehe Drake: Wait, am I hearing you correctly? Your coming out of retirement and going to support Batman in his battle? Jester: That is correct Drake, I am coming back to protect the Bat, knock Juggs down a couple rungs, and show the world I am still the greatest Champion of all!!! :: The studio crowd goes wild with cheering, Drakes eyes are as wide as saucers at this announcement, he puts a hand to his ear as he listens to a producer over his earpiece, Jester stands, hands up over his head in clenched fists, the crowd goes even more crazy, Drake stands and shakes Jesters hand, as the credits for C-Squared play across the screen a voice over comes up as the credit rolls, Drakes voice echoing in the darkness :: Well folks, you heard it here. The return of Jester. Stay tuned for further information here, at C-Squared!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:17:27 +0000

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