Ladies and gentleman, I am beyond honored and humbled to announce - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentleman, I am beyond honored and humbled to announce that the Tales from the Karman Line Kickstarter has not only met its funding goal... but also its stretch goal!!!!!! Holy moly, I am totally blown away with gratitude right now. The support of this project has been so nothing short of amazing to me, and I am filled with SO MUCH HOPE for my future right now. Whats more, I know that I am not just speaking for me... but I am speaking for small independent artists everywhere when I say that your support of this project is directly showing struggling independent artists, such as myself, that we are held, supported, loved, and encouraged. With so much social unrest and discontent in the world right now, I believe art stands as a beacon of light in the darkness, a mirror to the collective consciousness, and an evolutionary aid for the furthering of humanity. My vision with this album has been to show Earth from the astronauts perspective, which is a perspective of our home planet that transcends racial boundaries, cultural tensions, gender differences, and religious disagreements...while showing the responsibility that we all, as humans, have for the care of our environment and support of our mother Earth. This is to say... as we continue to bring light to darkness of our own collective consciousness here in our cultures, it is important to also remember the importance of the karman line perspective, which sees us as one interconnected and unified system ~ intrinsically linked to everyone and everything else on the planet. When I first thought to throw this Kickstarter one month ago, I had no idea if it would be supported - but the last 30 days have been nothing short of a miracle, a blessing, and a lesson for me. I am so thankful to have friends who have encouraged me with words of support, guidance, and hope when I needed it most. I am so thankful for all of YOU have helped back this project, and every one of you that has been listening and sharing my art with me along this whole journey. Ok. Im basking, and maybe rambling a bit right now Ill just close this up with saying that your support of this project has been nothing less that mind-blowingly inspirational to me, and I cannot wait for you ALL to hear the results!! HUGE love & blessings, light beings..... WE DID IT!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 00:42:15 +0000

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